epilog 1

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1 year later

Taehyung and jungkook 's love was getting deeper and deeper they have small little fight but still they can't without talking more than one hour as the result a end up talking and keep going that.

Taehyung became clingy to our bunny he didn't let him breathe peaceful. But jungkook love this clinginess of taehyung showing how much he loves him and need him..

They both build a beautiful home of memories. If the love story have no obstacles there is no fun in that. Love is a risk which we take every millisecond. Every up and down make their relationship strong . They're inseparable couple.

Meanwhile jimin told taehyung everything they were expecting taehyung to burst out but nothing happens cause love is a thing which we can't control. He know how the felling of losing someone who you love more than their life it very painful so taehyung forgave jimin and again they became friends real frnds.

But still taehyung have insecurity that jungkook will leave him but jungkook show his infinite love for him which lead them to peacefull life taehyung fight with his insecurities.

Taehyung also forgive namjoon and jin for their mistakes cause jungkook force him to talk with them why they separate him from themselves. He get know their intention was never wrong but their method if handling situation was wrong .

They were going huge lose in their company they wanted a better future for taehyung he work day and night to make company stand up again but they forget to take care of their child they want to make money but forget that love and affection what taehyung want. They apologize and taehyung heart also melt seeing his parents begging so he let go everything and start a new life with jungkook and his family.

On other hand jimin still trying to move on but it is not easy. After few months of trying hard jimin could not forget jungkook he need jungkook in his life so he decided to leave country for sometime so he can change his environment and to divert his mind and heart from jungkook.

Yoongi was sad by news of jimin department but he was happy at least jimin know about he has to do with himself now he was not that crazy over jungkook but still his love is unconditional he can love him from far and yoongi will also do the same for jimin . Both of them are suffering from one sided love but happy for their love .

Love is not a thing we can force it will also feel by other but sometimes we get so desperate for their love we loss basic meaning of love which is keep other happy.

Jimin came back after 8 months with complete new shelf. He starting moving on from jungkook but he will also occupy a special place in his heart. Even he try his hard he can't remove him from his heart.

Yoongi always stand after him now they start dating after yoongi proposed him. Jimin starting liking yoongi but still love jungkook but it is better from before. Yoongi didn't take jungkook space in his heart but he make his own space in his heart . He never forced him do something which is not he wants to do.

After seeing yoongi effect jimin heart melt he fall deeper for yoongi even more than jungkook he never feel love but yoongi show him what is real love how it feel to be loved by someone it is great feeling. He finally let go jungkook from his heart.

At taekook room


Two beautiful soul were sleeping on bed when one open his eyes and look behind him a beautiful creature was sleeping beside him he is lucky to have him in his life .

He stop his all thought when he saw red and glossy lips which his looking so delicious more over that a mole just below his lips which stimulates him hard his eyes move down to his neck which is full of hickey he made last night.

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