part 4

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Jungkook make his way toward table where Kim and his father having dinner.

Jungkook : thank you mam.

Kim hyna : please dear sit beside me. I want to know about you more. You are so kind and polite kid. Jeon you should treat him better . He is so precious for this world.

Jeon glar at jungkook to handle the situation. He doesn't want to come out his real face to world.

Jungkook : mam father is always sweet toward me . He is right I should eat with you but I already had my dinner with my friends. I don't know that you going to come so i didn't eat with them.

Kim hyna : it's ok son. You should had told us. Now sit beside me tell me about us.

Jungkook : I am Jeon jungkook you already know. I am 21 year old. Today was my graduation ceremony.

Kim hyna : you are graduated son. How was your graduation ceremony.

Jungkook : it's nice . I top in college.

He turn his toward Mr. Jeon to see his father proud face unfortunately there is no sign of proud. He only see blank expression of his father. His eyes become teary he think that his father will proud on him but their is nothing.

Kim hyna : that's great dear. Do you someone special in your life .

Jungkook : yes mam, I have

He thinks she was asking about his best friend.

Jeon : do you have boyfriend or girlfriend. Why don't you tell me about this. If you have so break up with him . Am I clear.

He yell at jungkook suddenly. Jungkook suddenly fall from chair. Taehyung quickly go toward him and please him to stand up. Jeon relise what he done so also go toward jungkook  . Start showing fake consert .

Jeon : jungkook are you ok. I am sorry I yelled at you. You have to tell me about him so I can identify that person is good or not.

Taehyung see Jeon is holding where jungkook get injured .

Taehyung : Mr. Jeon you are hurting jungkook.

Taehyung get off the hand if Jeon from jungkook.

Jeon : maid please take first aid box fast.

Few second after maid take first aid box before Jeon can take it taehyung is fast info to take box and start treating jungkook with consent eye  .

Taehyung : it's done.

Taehyung back way from jungkook. Kim hyna seeing whole seen carefully. She see something soft in eye of taehyung for jungkook. She think that jungkook is right person for taehyung and his family. She all want is taehyung happiness and she can do anything for that.

Jungkook : I think mam was asking about someone special like best friend. I don't have any boyfriend.

Jungkook say  while looking at Jeon.

Jeon : I am sorry I misunderstand the thing I already know that you can't have any boyfriend without my permission.

With stern look.

Kim hyna : Jeon I want a favor from you hope you will agree.

Jeon : of course what is it

Kim hyna : I want to marry taehyung to jungkook.

Jeon stand their with blank face in his sit he doesn't say anything.

Jeon: no mrs. Kim. I can't marry them both.

With that jungkook lips curve into smile.

Kim hyna : Jeon if you want this deal you have to marry them both think wisely Jeon.

Kim hyna is kind lady but when it comes to family their is no kindness their. Kim hyna know jungkook can change taehyung so she can do anything for it.
( let's see her devil part)

Jeon : even I think thousand times I will not marry them  . Get out from their . You know jungkook is more important to me than this deal.

Kim hyna : Jeon once again I am saying think wisely. It can profit your business. If you don't agree Kim will destroy your company.

Taehyung don't know what is happening. He also don't want to marry jungkook but how can his grandma make him a business deal for jungkook. His hate for jungkook become more that his grandma give more importance to jungkook from him. She is only who understand them now he became a business deal really a business deal.

Jeon : my answer is same.

Kim namjoon : what are you doing mom. This is wrong to force for marriage. I want taehyung to choose his own life partner.

Kim hyna : now you love for taehyung where is your love when he wants you the most  . When you were busy in your business now their is no right of you two to  taehyung. I grow him up. I will decide his partner and I already decided jungkook gonna marry taehyung even he wants or not.

Jungkook : please mam I don't want to marry taehyung.  I want to someone who love me

Jungkook come on his knee. Every one present in Hall feel bad for boy even taehyung a little bit.

Kim hyna : I know taehyung will love you .

Jeon : JEON  JUNGKOOK get up right now.

Jungkook immediately get from by strong grip which is pressing his injury. Blood starting falling again.
Jeon slap jungkook again and again.

Jeon : how you day to go on your knee. Jeon never go on their knee for begging. Taehyung is stern to see that how can is more important than his own child.

Kim hyna : stop it right now he is future kim so don't lay your hand on him .

Jeon : shut up , I don't any business deal.

Jeon say to kim hyna with that he go towards jungkook.

Jeon : be ready for your punishment jungkook you not gonna eat for three days and go to torture room right now and wait for I gonna teach you lesson to become strong. GET READY RIGHT NOW.

Kim family became shock that Jeon abuse his son. Kim hyna wish of marriage become high she really want jungkook in Kim family after this she can do anything to take jungkook from this hell. Taehyung is still there he is listening everything but no one ask for his opinion even his own grandma. After listening Jeon statment he really want jungkook to came out from hell.

Jeon : you useless pathetic brat you don't listen you there.

Kim hyna : just wait and watch Jeon how can you not marry jungkook. I have proof that that you assault jungkook if you really don't want to come out your real face I recorded everything and I came it big that you assault jungkook sexually also.

Jungkook : mam what are my father never rape me how can you think that low only to marry taehyung. I know you are more successful business that don't mean you have right on other person life even my father beat me but he is not low than you. He is reason to beat me I killed my mom even after he taking care of a killer what else you can expect more than this.

Jungkook is right he is reason of his mother died. His mother came to pick jungkook from play school.
They are crossing the road when jungkook run toward other side of road then a truck came with full speed toward jungkook. To protect jungkook mrs. Jeon push jungkook other side came in fort of truck and die in spot. Jeon always blame jungkook for his silliness even he loves jungkook but his pain of lossing his wife is more. For less his pain he always blame jungkook.

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