part 24

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Both taehyung and jungkook could not sleep at night just they thinking about each other. In these few days they made everything so complicated which can't be solve in some time. It will take time both know that. But afraid of lossing each other, their heart is hurting but they have to take this pain which was cause by themselves now they are the cure of each other.

Next morning taehyung informed in office he can't make it. He postponed all his meeting to next schedule .

Now is most important day for taehyung he is nervous like a hell.

While thinking that can he make everything clear with young one ?

Will jungkook hurt? (It's obvious)

will jungkook able to understand his situation?

Will jungkook blame him?

It is making him more worse he doesn't want jungkook to blame him if it happen it will like fuel in fire of guilt. He will not take it.

He never want anyone to hurt but now he is in situation he will definitely hurt someone close to him.
Situation is like this one of will definitely going though pain of heart broken. Pain of heart break will always carry in future with scars which always reminds their pain.

Someone people says when your patner will leave that it will heal with time what about that scar which is left behind it. Taehyung is scared of giving jungkook that scar of whole life. Pain will fade away their sign will left. He never want jungkook to give that sign.

Next morning everything is going like all days but the aura of every single thing is change. Every small thing between are suffocated which both of them never want . Both are longing for each other but they can't able to say.

Now they are having their breakfast. Taehyung also take leave from work to solve their personal problem.
Meanwhile jungkook is acting like nothing happens he is looking like everyday smily but when you see in his eyes it is fill with pain and suffering.

Taehyung can see it but he can't do anything . He is himself helpless . He is blaming himself not giving jungkook his love, his body and his soul which jungkook have all right. He is giving his everything to someone who has no right on him . It make him pathetic and useless husband. That husband know his husband longing for him but he can't.

He also stubbing knife his granny who is always with him. She just asked him a single thing he could not do it. He also give him hope that he will take care of young now look what he had done.

First of his meeting with young one he insulted him with bad word, on second meeting he literally killed this innocent soul and hurt him till he passed out. He also forced into this marriage by his family by assurance
Of care , care and protection .

His whole family will ashame on him even though he himself ashame of being boyfriend behind his husband bach knowing that he loves him it make salt on wound.

Now he is between love and responsibility. Whatever he choose he is the one how will loss in every situation. He is his karma or whatever it is eating him alive.

Taehyung don't know when everything will be shot out. He is just hoping for his best whatever his decision he doesn't want to regret over his decision. That's how a mature person think when difficult situation come his granny told him when he was in boarding school.

Other side jungkook is num. He is tried of hoping for best. Now his whole life he crave for love now look at him that person he loves ,he isn't his but someone else even worse he is cheating on him after his confession he should told him that he doesn't love him but other. Now he is feeling betray. In his whole, he never feel that discuss  feeling which taehyung give him. It broking his heart.

Being betraying is the worse feeling you have even feel in our life even taehyung and jungkook are not even started but taehyung know that jungkook has feeling but he himself try to handle which makes it more worse that ever it would be. If taehyung have same courage to tell jungkook about his feelings towards jimin it will not hurt like that because jungkook have at least fate on taehyung, at least he will believe in taehyung or at least he will try to find a way to move on without any hate feeling towards taehyung but no here they are because of one lie situation was totally change.

In fact taehyung is not trying to protect jungkook and jimin from pain but himself he wants to travel in two boat in one time which is impossible to happen. He is afraid of losing people. It is his biggest and strongest fear he might lose those few people who care about him. This is a fear who is stopping his own real feeling.

It is a weakness of people that they attach to people who helped them but it is not love but just attachment towards them. It is actually happening to taehyung . Jimin let him to take out his feelings which a probably a friend can do or even a lover but taehyung take this feeling towards love which is completely his delusion.

Love is not base on thankfulness but base upon comfort, liveliness and most important be yourself it is most important thing if you love someone you will not hesitate to show your fear, your anger, your sadness, your silly habits, your sorrow or your way of happiness. Love never let you feel weak but make you strong. If in your love, you become weak it all fake love. If you lost yourself how will you able to love someone your whole life. Not love is one type a man love a another man but a parents love his child, a brother love his brother or a friend love his friends. Love has no form. But one thing is it that love can't be physically but love can be emotionally.

If you love someone physically so it will not be last long it is short time attraction toward other.

( I think I should be love guru . Lol I write whole chapter to define love feeling I also didn't take story forward it hanging there. I write in flow but I did not know when I sank in pool of emotion)

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