part 29

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Taehyung :I never kissed him jungkook I swear to God I never .

Jungkook : no you are telling a another lie to me.

Taehyung : I never lie to you

Jungkook : lier you lie

Taehyung try to speak to jungkook but he doesn't listening him just saying lier to jungkook.


Jungkook : now you are shouting on me you are bad you are cheater

Taehyung : SHUT The FUCK UP KIM JUNGKOOK when I became lier didn't I tell you one first day I will live my life with the person I love when I became cheater. I never lie to you. I said to you I need time but you have to take decisions on your basis you ever try to listen to me before doing this drama.

Jungkook : drama this all drama for you

Taehyung : yah drama you create you know why I need time cause I will tell you truth that I don't love you romantically. When I said I want to explain did you heard me when I asking to atleast listen to but you already made up you stupid mind to divorce me. I know I did mistakes by not telling you. Can you give me one answer of my question before I leave.

Jungkook : what

Taehyung : if you are my position what will you do

Jungkook : what do you mean

Taehyung : if a sudden love proposal came to you who you thought as a friend which is your only and special
friend what will you do. You will harshly say this that I don't love get out from my life or you will take time so he or she will less hurt I take time it's my mistake. That friend never listen to my side story is my mistake. That friend assume everything himself it is my mistake. That friend even you go to him and try to explain things but he push you off is my mistake. If whole thing are many mistake you are also not in white paper jungkook. He are have black ink on your own paper by yourself. He will regret in future if today you will not listen to me. You will also in guilt of today after this I will never came in your path just like your father this is last chance to listen me or I will explain myself again. You have all responsibility of breaking this marriage.

Taehyung took long breathe cause jungkook is silent he is saying nothing.

Taehyung : okay I got my answer I think I should leave but atlast I want to say that I only love you I can't understand what is difference between love and friendship I mistook everything but at the end I am again alone everything is just for one time love is nothing but pain I will never love in my life this time good bye for forever I hope when we see each other you also released your mistake. I hope good life for you. You will get all love you deserve but never take anything in rusk jungkook without listening other side of story. I am sorry for all trouble I cause in your life. Me and my family force you to a spinless man like me. I will never interfere in your life again . I think our love is not mean to complete it is not strong to hold every situation. I finally got to we are even love but even meant for each other. That's why I  am still standing here we are standing here even after marriage even after living two months even after loving still separated. I love you bye.

Taehyung turn back and leave from there meanwhile  jungkook standing without moving looking at gate where taehyung left.

After 30 minutes jungkook is still there when came at Hall who left taekook to talk in private and order maid to not enter Hall or anywhere near Hall.

Jeon : jungkook jungkook jungkook are you listening me  JUNGKOOK

Jeon shake jungkook little to take out him from his world of emotion. He turned jungkook take him his arms to console him.

Jungkook : he is lier I don't love me

Jeon : what he said

Jungkook : he said he love me but dad he is liar he doesn't love me.

Jeon don't say anything he knows jungkook is wrong he can see love in taehyung eyes but he feared to hurt jungkook he wants jungkook to move on in his life. He can't see jungkook in heartbreak. Here Jeon lie

Jeon : that bastard I know he is lieing to you. I want you to move on from him okay I want to see you happy . I will do everything to protect you.

Meanwhile taehyung left from there without any vehicle. He walks along with road while tear falling from his eyes . Jungkook never meant to his but he will love jungkook to last breath . After hours went it's night but he still walk and he found a pond near a park he sit down there will looking at stars. When he have everything he do anything when everything starting out of his grip he knows their value. From the start he love jungkook but give name of friendship and toward jimin first was attraction but with time he starting seeing him as friend that give name love to him . Why he is not good in emotion why he have to loss everything . Why no one love him like he do. He tried of begging for love first his parents and now his love of his life who don't want to live with after knowing that he love him. He is nothing just a loser who can't hold his emotion.

Do you all want to jungkook to forgive taehyung or you all want him more to suffer cause he already suffered from his parents thing he never get really love from anyone except his granny .

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