part 30

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Double update

Taehyung : if he mean to mine he will came to me. I am tried of everything. Tried of begging for forgiveness I clear myself than he already came to me he already know how hard for me control emotions but look at me now just alone around this pond , grass and star. I will always be alone with this silence there is no one to hear me.

? : what happen you are looking sad

? Came and sit beside him.

Taehyung : none of your business I don't talk to stranger

? : sometimes talking to a stranger make your pain less cause that person will never judge to you . Take it out you are in so much pain.

Taehyung feel like he just say what volcano is buring inside him that stranger looking helpful in this situation so he decided to believe in his heart this time.

Taehyung : do you love someone?

? : so my guess was right you are heart broken. For your questions I never ever feel that strong toward anyone but I can say when you fall in love you just loss yourself in that. Love is purest feeling in this world. So your partner left you

Taehyung : no I left him

? : why

Taehyung : I can't understand my feelings for him when he was with me when he go far from me I get to know my feelings towards him.

? : tell me your love story I want to listen

Taehyung : why are even helping me

? : just listen to my heart cause my mom said you always have to follow your heart it will take you right path just like here I am.

Taehyung : I wish I listen to my heart earlier

? : it's never late just you have to face consequence like my mom said now you have to. Faith on yourself and destiny. Now start.

Taehyung tell him everything but didn't tell anyone name

? : so you fuck up

Taehyung : exactly

? : man but you still have gut to fight for your love. I think he need time to process everything when he will in his right state on mind he will come to you. From your story you both seem deeply in love I can see love in your eyes for him one day he will came to you with open arms.

Taehyung : I don't think so he thinks he as liar

? : in this kind of situation first he have give some space to each other to figure it out himself I know you both are meant to each other. Never think that he is not your until when his heart loving you. His love is unconditional that's why he left you to be happy he will came man don't loss hope. Destiny something write for you two.

Taehyung : thank you for be with me mr.

? :  yoongi I came from America recently. I am going to surprise my family with sudden appearing after knowing my brother married two months ago but I can't came to his marriage in too sudden for me I am going to apologize to him.

Taehyung : I am taehyung. Nice to meet you

Yoongi : you too be strong fighting.

Taehyung : yeah fighting.

Yoongi : it time to go do you need help to go form here I mean I can't see any car here

Taehyung : thank but I will call my driver in 30 minutes so you can leave

Yoongi : no I can't leave in silence place I will wait with you here. I can't let kids to hurt

Taehyung : from where I look like kid look man I am 25 year old

Yoongi : few minutes ago someone is crying in my shoulder like a five year kid who loss his favorite toy.

Taehyung : shut up don't embrace me

Yoongi : okay I let me wait with you

Taehyung : as your wish. So friends it good to talk to you

Yoongi : okay friend

They both talk random things untill a car stop and taehyung went inside that car and wave goodbye to yoongi.
Taehyung left from there.

Yoongi : oh no taehyung atleast give your number.

Yoongi shout but it's too late taehyung already left.

Yoongi : shh I make my first friend in Korea and also forget to get his number you are so stupid jeon yoongi
In write in destiny we will meet again my friend

What twist yoongi will take in taekook life what he will react when he came to know that person taehyung is talking about is his own brother jungkook so be ready for new twist in story with our lovely savage jeon (min) yoongi

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