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Chapter two

                           Faceless whores

dreamy: ready?

runboo 🏃🏼‍♂️: set!


corpse: umm...yes..?

runboo🏃🏼‍♂️: what are we playing?

dreamy: hmmm...

suLLEY: MINECRAFT. Let's just start building our own world..

corpse: what she said!

dreamy: ranboo? thoughts?

runboo🏃🏼‍♂️: let's do it.

I picked up my headphones with high anxiety and excitement for finally streaming with these guys.
I joined their server and began my live stream.
"Hey Sulley.." Corpse's deep voice hummed into my ears and I shut my eyes with a small smile. God his voice was appealing. "Hi Corpse. Hi dream, hi ranboo!" I smiled, "Hey!" Dream said nicely,
"Hi!" Ranboo spoke.
"So what should we build first..?" I asked the guys as I walked around in the world, all of us scooping out the land. "I was thinking our house Sulley.." Corpse was grinning, I didn't even have to see him to know he was. "No thanks!" I giggled, "Ohhhh damnn.." Ranboo laughed.

The stream went on for a few hours and we had built our houses, mine was above water, with glass floors cause I always thought that was pretty neat.
They were truly funny guys, and I enjoyed their company a lot. I focused back into reality as I heard one of them say my user name.
"Sulley! I totally forgot to mention, you have like a very bold laugh.." dream told me, I raised my eyebrows, "What do you mean?"
"I don't know, it's cute, like Karl's have you ever watched his streams before?"
I rolled my eyes, "I haven't no.."
"Oh, you should watch his sometime, im sure you two would get along so well..we should stream together some time.." Dream suggested and I bit my lip, there was like no running away from Karl now, he was everywhere. "Yeah maybe..i'll text him.." I lied, after all that happened, there was no way I was interested in streaming with that kid.

After the stream I laid in bed, watching survivor, it was one of my absolute favourite shows, I even had some of their merchandise. I was grateful for it having so many seasons, meaning I could never get bored of it. My phone dinged and I picked it up wondering who it could be.

MammaMia: HELLO!

teegAn: hi! :]

MammaMia: Tomorrow, you and I, and I was thinking maybe we could go buy some candles at the mall..?! They just dropped the fall ones and i'm excited!

teegAn: you had me at candles! Yesyesyesyes

MammaMia: Great. Im picking you up at 1. You better go to sleep tonight, so you wake up on time.

teegAn: i promise mom. btw how was the date?

MammaMia: eh..he was..okay..kind of a catfish..

teegAn: 0.O this is why i don't bother with men, let alone dating apps.

MammaMia: We will find you someone eventually 😏

teegAn: jake and i are fine alone! anyways off to bed! I love you! <33

MammaMia: okay! I love you ❤️

"Teegan, wake up!" I felt something hard hit me in the face and I groaned, my eyes opening quickly to my green eyed best friend. She held a pillow innocently in her hands, "Great you're awake!" She smiled widely and I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, I wonder why.." I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes, with a small yawn. "It's one thirty! I used my spare key privileges to come wake you up.." Jake ran into the room with a loud meow and Mia pet him.
"That's fine, you didn't go in my spare room right..?" I asked Mia as I stood up from my bed, she shook her head, "No, but I should've. Are you ever going to tell me about that or..?" I walked towards my closet and sighed, I wanted to tell Mia, she knew everything that went on with me, except Sulley, it was like a double life I lived, and it's not because I didn't trust her, I just never found a way to tell her.
"I will.." I picked up an old man sweater and threw it on, Mia smiled, "If you're a secret spy, that's totally cool." I chuckled to myself, if only.
"Ready to go..?" I turned to Mia, she nodded, pushing her brown hair behind her ear, she rushed out of my room, practically skipping, she was very excited about candle shopping, and I was too.

"So, do you like..this one, or...this one..?" Mia held up two candles to my nose and I sniffed one at a time. "autumn wreath..I don't like the pumpkin spice, its just too strong for my nose.." Mia smelled the candles in her hands again and I turned back to the shelfs of candles, I picked up spiced apple and smelt it, it smelt- "what the honk stop!" A familiar voice caught my attention, a loud chuckle followed after, I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to remember who it could be..I turned around pretending to look for Mia and that's when my eyes met his blue ones.
Karl Jacobs, I moved my stare to Mia, even if he didn't know who I was, I felt myself shiver.
"How do you like this one..?" I asked Mia as I held up the spiced apple, she nodded and raised her eyebrows at me, "Smells amazing. what do you think?"
"I love it.." I held the candle carefully, trying to distract myself from the boy across the store, I avoided looking in his direction, I slowly turned back to the shelves, hoping to avert the attention from me. Even if the store was full of people, I felt as though he could know who I was, even though it was merely impossible.

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