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Chapter forty seven

Corpse and I sat on my couch as we ate pizza and talked about ourselves..there was much we didn't know about each other. "So you can't tell me where you're from can you?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him, a small grin placed on my face, he shook his head, "I'd rather not. How about you though? Where are you from?" He chuckled, I rolled my eyes,
"Haha so funny. You know I thought about us meeting before. I didn't think it would be under these certain circumstances." I grabbed another slice of pizza, Corpse's eyes laid on me the whole time, he was really good at maintaining eye contact, it made me very nervous though..
"These are the best circumstances to meet under."
"Although you show up when I look the messiest. Does Karl know you're here..?" I asked, I was curious, Karl would probably never agree to him showing up here, knowing he likes me and all.
"He does, he didn't have much of a reaction to me breaking the news. So tell me Sulley, how handsome am I compared to what you believed.." He widened his mouth, smiling with all his teeth, I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Dont ask me that."
"Aw fine. You know, I have to say you're brave, showing your face like that..it must've took a lot."
I nodded, feeling myself get sad at the thought,
"I shouldn't have. I didn't have much of a choice though, they would see a girl with Karl and figure it out for themselves...especially after he said we were dating." Corpse nodded,
"You know this will die down right?"
"Yeah hopefully..I just find it hard to look at myself lately, I haven't in a while, I avoid all my mirrors, it's crazy how much people can affect the way you feel about yourself..even if they're strangers.." I stared down at my hands, his hand reached for mine, squeezing it comfortingly,
"Hey. I get it, but trust me Sulks, you're the furthest thing from unattractive. I will never not say this."
of course, Corpse could say these things as much as he wanted, I know he was trying to make me feel better but it couldn't work, Karl couldn't even make me believe it, and he used to make me feel like i was in the clouds, so how could Corpse?
"It doesn't matter what you say..it's just not helpful..is that mean? Im sorry." I mumbled.

Corpse shook his head, "It's fine. Come on, I have an idea." He got up, pulling me up off the couch.
I followed him as he made his way upstairs, into the bathroom. I faced him as i leaned against the bathroom counter, he stood before the mirror and glanced his eyes at me again,
"What are we doing here?"
He grabbed my arm and spun me before himself, his hands holding onto my waist firmly from behind, he was tall, he had a whole head above mine..his grip on my waist tightened and he grinned at me. I felt myself blush, everything about this was strictly platonic but..he was really smooth..I couldn't help but blush at his touch.
"So what do we see here?" he moved his gaze, I shrugged, "A tall streamer." I grinned, he rolled his eyes, "Fine, i'll go first. I see, a girl, she's got really pretty soft black hair.." One of his hands brushed my hair softly, a small smile plastered on his face,
"She has a very cute button nose.." he continued,
"And some very beautiful brown eyes, I swear, she looks at me and I feel like i'm flying, it's great." I broke our gaze nervously, staring down at the sink before me, his hand made its way to my chin and lifted it up, causing my gaze to meet his again.
"She has really nice facial structure..and I love the dimples on her face when she smiles.." I felt myself smile lightly, "Look at that smile! God, that smile is contagious, it really brings you all together. You're so pretty Teegan." He exclaimed with excitement, and hearing him say my name, my actual name, it was hypnotizing, I glanced at myself now, maybe I was pretty, I raised my hand to my cheek, I felt the warmth come from them as Corpse made me blush. He really was a smooth dude, I felt his hand grip onto my shoulder, pulling me to turn to him, I looked up at him slowly,
"So tell me, don't you find her so beautiful? Cause i've never seen anyone like her before, it's refreshing." His hand caressed my cheek, his thumb tracing along it, my eyes lost in his, "Yeah maybe.."
"Would I ever lie to you Teegan?" He furrowed his eyebrows and I shook my head, he grinned,
"So you know I meant what I said, you're a goddess." His other hand made it's way behind my back, pulling me closer into him, I felt my breath hitch, he was so close to me, I had to move out of here be-
his eyes looked down at my lips and back up to my eyes, I felt myself freeze, he shut his eyes and leaned down slowly, pressing his lips against mine, my eyes widened and I stood still, I raised my arm and pushed him away from me.

"Corpse, you can't kiss me!" I backed up from him, crossing my arms, he nodded,
"you're right i'm sorry."
"This is crazy. You shouldn't even be touching me the way you were. I'm going to go lay down." I walked out of the bathroom, hearing his footsteps follow behind me, "Sulley wait." He shouted as I shut my bedroom door, his hand stopping it before it could close, I turned to face him, my eyebrows furrowed, "What? You think cause Karl couldn't convince me I was pretty, you could? What cause you want to fuck me, I should feel beautiful?"
I laughed, shaking my head, "You might be smooth or whatever but that was low Corpse. Karl's your friend." I scoffed, he nodded in agreement,
"Sulley, I don't want to fuck you. This wasn't my intention at all, I got caught up in the moment. I've liked you for so long, it was hard not to, I mean I truly meant everything I said, any sane person can see how beautiful you are, but you're right, Karl's my friend, that was low, I came here to get you out of the house, not to pick a fight, can we just forget that this happened? Please. You and Karl belong together, I overstepped. I promise it won't happen again.." He stared at me with sad eyes, I sighed,
"Let's just call it a night. The guest bedroom is two doors down." I shut my bedroom door now, for real.

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