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I decided to head in a different direction:] hope you guys enjoy this more.

Chapter forty
Teegan's pov

"Are you tired yet?" I mumbled to Karl as we drove into another small town, I let a yawn escape my lips, he shot me a small grin, "Seems like you are."
"I am not. I swear..."
"Are you hungry..?" He thoughtfully asked me and I nodded, "Maybe there's somewhere we can eat around here.." He looked around as he slowed down.
I started to look around too, and then i saw it, a diner. "Look look!" I said with excitement, Karl looked at the diner and pulled into the parking lot, "I bet they have great waffles."
I nodded in agreement.

Karl and I held hands as we stepped inside, I felt myself grow with joy as I looked around the very cool diner. "This is so cool.." I mumbled as we walked to a booth, booth's colour were white and blue, and the floors had black and white checkered tiles. The diner even had an old jukebox.
"This is..kind of a hidden gem.." Karl shot me a smile, "It seriously is, how cool is this place?"
"Hi folks, may I start you two off with some drinks..?" A young lady broke us out of our trance of this place, I looked up at her as she handed us menu's, she was very pretty, her outfit was as out dated as the restaurant, she wore a light blue dress, it had a white collar, she had light brown hair and her blue eyes glistened in the diner lights..i wish i looked like her.
"i'll take a chocolate milkshake.." Karl's voice interrupted my daze, causing me to blink nervously, "i'll have one too please.." I mumbled shyly, the girl smiled widely, her perfect smile showing, my heart sank inside of me, Karl definitely found her pretty. "Great i'll be back with those in a few."
I turned my gaze back to Karl, and he was already staring at me, a wide smile on his face,
"The waitress is so pretty.." I mumbled, he raised an eyebrow, "is she? I didn't even look at her..I was too busy admiring you.." Karl's sweet voice assured me, "You're cheesy.." I lifted the menu to cover my face nervously, only to have it smacked down, "Dont hide your face from me Sulley, I want to admire you." I blushed nervously, staring down at the menu again, "What should we order?" I mumbled, changing the topic, waffles and bacon 7.65$
"Ouuu I want the waffles and bacon." I smiled happily and I looked up at Karl who was now studying the menu too, "If I get the pancakes, would you like to trade one for one m'lady? So we can try both?" He raised an eyebrow looking up at me now, he was absolutely handsome right now, anytime really but..his eyes shined especially in the diner lighting right now.. "Will you get sausage so we can do a meats trade too?" Karl chuckled, nodding, "If you would like to, yes."
"Great." The pretty waitress made her way back towards our table, beginning to take our order.

I watched Karl as he made his way over to the waitress to pay our meal, he reached into his pocket grabbing his wallet, and then began to chuckle, I furrowed my eyebrows nervously. I watched the waitress carefully now, her hand making its way onto his shoulder, I felt my breathe get heavy, my anxiety was setting in horribly.
Karl stood there for a moment, talking to her a bit more, making me question him. There was no way he had any bad intentions..he was just a social guy. The waitress picked up the receipt and began writing on it, should I get up there? I shook my thoughts out of my head, im sure it's nothing. Karl began walking back to me, I slowly got up, curious to what they spoke about. "Let's get out of here.." Karl mumbled softly as he interlocked his arm with mine, rushing us out of the diner.

"What were you two talking about?" I asked as we got back into the car, "I asked her if there's any motels around here..and she recommended me one, but then she told me that I was really cute..and she wanted my number, I persisted with the fact that you were my girlfriend but she continued to go on about how there's no guys like me around here..and then she wrote her number on the receipt.." Karl held up the receipt, I looked at it carefully.

courtney xx call me sometime cutie (293)-824-0579

"Oh..you must be flattered!" I grinned forcefully, Karl's face dropped, and he began ripping the receipt, "Seriously? Why would I be flattered, she wasn't even pretty..Im flattered that i'm dating Sulley sulks." I felt my heart flutter, feeling very reassured by Karl right now, without him even knowing I needed to hear it.
"It's nice to be here with you.." I mumbled, biting my finger nail, he shot me a smile, "It's amazing..let's get to that motel shall we?" He started the car up again and began making his way to the recommended motel.

The view before the motel was beautiful, I don't even remember what town we are in and I didn't care to be quite honest, I was happy to be with Karl...having a first adventure together. I picked up Karl's phone as we stood in the parking lot, hurrying to take a photo of the beautiful sky and view.

Karl's arm draped around my waist as we both stared at the photo, "What a view

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Karl's arm draped around my waist as we both stared at the photo, "What a view.." He mumbled,
"Seriously.." I softly spoke. I slowly turned to him, a small smile appearing on his face, "Maybe we can just log into instagram once and post a photo of this view.." I raised an eyebrow, Karl shook his head, ripping the phone out of my hands, "Absolutely not." He slowly stepped away from me, looking down at his phone, "Why not..?" I felt my smile fade and Karl continued to walk away from me, I watched him sadly as he walked into the reception of the motel, Why was he so adamant about us not being on social media? I rolled my eyes, turning back to the view, I took a deep breathe, feeling myself escape reality even more, no social media is a good idea Karl..that's all we ever used, it's literally what caused us to hate each other, we do need a break from it..just the two of us together in a small town we've never heard of before..it was exactly what we needed..no one could bother us here. I turned back to the motel, watching Karl as he stared at me out the window, his phone to his ear, I smiled softly and he gave me a small one back, he looked upset, he turned around, causing me to lose my smile.

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