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Tony p.o.v 
It was chaotic. Wanda had already tried to use her powers to get to Carson four times. We were all worried, especially me. Nat had to pin me down several times, as well as knock me out. Which hurt. A lot.
"She's awake," a quiet voice called. Bruce. Wanda hurried over.
"Can we see her?"
Bruce nodded. "Yeah, she's been asking for you guys,"
We all made our way to Carson.
"Hey guys," came a cheerful voice. "How you doing?"
Cooper chuckled. "You've been stabbed and you're asking how we're doing?"
Carson glared at him. "Yes,"
Cooper put his hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay, chill,"
"How are you feeling, sweetie?" Pepper asked.
"I feel like I got stabbed with dagger for some reason, I wonder why. Oh wait," she replied, sarcastic as always. Barnes laughed.
"Yeah, she's fine," Pepper said with a sigh.
"No need to sound so disappointed, mom, anyways, how's Hillingdon? Did you kill him, or we're you all held back?"
"Held back," Rodger's answered. Clint smirked.
"But I shot him in the arm,"
"Tony," Bruce said, quietly, as if trying not to let the others hear. "You may wanna see this,"
"What is it?" I asked, wondering over. Bruce scratched the back of his head.
"I checked a sample of her blood and I noticed the DNA results...," I stopped him. Even though I could have checked the results myself, Carson asked me not too and I respected her decision.
"Carson said that she doesn't care who her birth father is,"
"I think this is important, you really need to see this," he said urgently. I groaned.
"Fine, who is it?" I didn't want to know, what if Carson would rather join him, but Bruce seemed slightly on edge.
"Her father is, erm...
...her father is Loki,"

Bucky p.o.v 
We all turned to see Stark staring at Banner in shock.
"What happened? What's wrong?" I heard Carson ask behind us. Stark just stared and Banner looked awkward. Wilson grabbed the tablet from his hands, despite the doctors attempts to stop him, and looked at the results. His eyes widened.
"No freaking way," he muttered. I snatched the tablet from him. When I saw what Wilson had been looking at, my blood turned cold. Although I'd been frozen for years on end, I knew about this man. Steve looked over my shoulder, disbelieving. 
"What is it? Uncle Buck, what's wrong?" Carson asked, worry lacing her words. What were we supposed to say? How were we meant to explain to her that he was her father?
I tablet was ripped from my grasp by Thor, who, upon reading it, let out a gasp. The tablet continued to be taken by each of us, until everyone had seen it. We were all asking the same question. How?
By this point, Stark had come to his senses and had turned to face Carson.
"Sweetheart, there's no easy way to tell you this, but, it's about your birth father...,"
Carson interrupted. "Dad, I told you I don't care about him,"
"It's better that you know," he insisted. Rhodes looked unsure.
"Tony, are you sure?"
"Yeah," he replied. "It's for the best, Carson, you're father is, well, he's Loki,"
To our surprise, Carson began to laugh. 
"Ha, that's funny, really it is,"
"Carson, we're serious here, we have the results, Loki is your dad," Banner said. Carson was silent for a moment before shakily her head.
"No," she said. "He may be my father by birth, but, Tony, you're my dad and you always will be,"
Stark smiled, tears in his eyes, as he embraced her. I didn't see any similarities between her and the norse god, she must have taken after her birth mother. I'd never met her, but once I learnt about what she had done to Carson, that was probably for the best, Banner's ears still turn green if she's mentioned.

Wanda p.o.v
Carson was taking the news very well. I couldn't believe that a man who had done such horrible things could have produced someone like her. I mean, I know he feels remorse now, I'd been in his head, but still.
"Loki should know about this," Thor said. We all turned to him. "If he really is Carson's father, he has the right to know,"
Everyone looked ready to argue, but Carson spoke up.
"He has a point, Loki should know about me, I have no interest in getting to know him, but he needs to know,"
Clint sighed. "She has a point, Thor go tell him, cause no way in hell are any of us,"
Thor nodded and left after wishing Carson a quick recovery, which she apparently would have since Asgardians don't take as long to heal (or something along those lines).

I wondered how Loki would take the news.

Wildchild *book two*Where stories live. Discover now