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Carson p.o.v 
This was it. I was going to talk to Loki. I was nervous of course, though talking to Wanda had certainly helped.


"Hey, Wanda, can I ask you something?" I asked. Wanda looked up from her book.
"Of course котенок," 
"You know how Loki is my birth father?"
Wanda nodded.
"Well, I'm going to see him tomorrow, but I just...," I trailed off, not sure how to explain it.
Wanda got up and gently pulled me over to her bed. After she sat us down, she took me by my shoulders and looked me in the eye.
"Carson, I know that this is new, you've always decided that you didn't care who your real father was, but now that you know, you need to know that you have a choice. You can stay here and when we do go back, you can avoid him completely. Or you can go talk to him tomorrow say what you want to say to him and, however way it ends, know that you faced him and you went in head on. But know this, whatever happens, we're your family,"
By the time she finished I was crying silently and pulled her in for a hug.
"Thank you, большая сестра,"

*end of flashback*

I took a deep breath as I landed the quinjet. After a moment I left the ship and went to find Loki, he was waiting in lounge. He looked up as I entered. I chose to do lean against the doorway, unsure of what to say.
"Hey," I said softly.
"Hi," he replied, with the same softness. "Why are you here?" Guess he thought I wouldn't come.
"Because, we need to talk and a crowded facility wouldn't have given us any privacy to do so,"
"I was under the impression that the man of iron was your father, and you wouldn't consider anyone else close to that title,"
"That was when I thought my 'father' was some drunk who met my mother once and never looked back," I said. "But instead, he turns out to be an Asgardian, specifically you," I added, pointing at him. "My Uncle Thor's adopted brother,"
Loki looked thoughtful for a moment. "You want to know how it happened," it wasn't a question. He knew why I was here. He sighed.
"Several years before I attempted to take Earth, I had decided to venture out and see some of the realms, the final realm I visited was this one," he began. "I had recently heard of someplace called a bar, which was where I met your mother, Polly was her name, wasn't it?" He asked, looking at me. I nodded. "As it was harder for me to get drunk than the other mortals, she swore that she'd get me drunk, I didn't believe her, but she succeeded, and because of that, one thing led to another and you happened," he finished. I brought my eyes up to meet his.
"Why would be come here, you believed us to be weaker, didn't you?"
"That was why, they spend so much time doing things like getting drunk, and it makes you act foolish, we may have drunk often on Asgard, but we didn't drink as many strong concoctions as I had that night,"
I considered his words for a moment, he had a point, dad used to drink all the time, he's not so bad now though. Loki suddenly turned to me, a curious look on his face.
"Why aren't you with Polly?" He asked. He didn't know. Of course he didn't, he couldn't read my mind or anything. Nobody had ever told him why Tony adopted me. Not even Uncle Thor.
"Before I was adopted, my mother wasn't exactly erm...," I trailed off.
"Capable of raising a child?" 
"...she wasn't a good mother, basically, but it wasn't because it was hard to raise me,"
"Then why..," I interrupted him.
"When she was annoyed, angry or upset about, well, anything, she'd take her anger out on me," I said quickly, before I could stop myself. A look of realisation appeared on Loki's face.
"Physically or mentally?" He asked, trying and failing to sound calm. I bit my lip, nervous.
"Both," I muttered. I heard Loki rise from his seat and rush over to me. I felt arms wrap around me and I wrapped mine around him. My cheeks were wet, I hadn't even realised I'd been crying.
"I'm so sorry," I heard Loki whisper. 
"It's ok, you weren't to know," my voice shook slightly as I replied. 
"If I had known, I swear to you, I would have stopped it,"
"I know,"

Wildchild *book two*Where stories live. Discover now