Hulk's soft spot

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Carson p.o.v
"I'm here!" Cassie called, entering the room. She was staying for the weekend. She hadn't been pleased when she found out she wasn't here for the whole 'talking about Peter thing'. After giving the others hugs, she looked around, confused.

"Where's Sonny?" She asked. I was actually in the room, she just couldn't see me. I was sitting on her shoulder, I was using my suit.

"Maybe if you looked at your shoulder, you'd know exactly where I was," I yelled, so she could hear me. I think I must of scared her, because she screamed slightly. I fell of her shoulder, laughing. Thankfully, my suit was a butterfly suit, so I just caught myself with my wings. I grew to regular height and had to duck to avoid a blow from my little sis' fist. 

"Sonny," She whined.

"Come on, I'm a prankster, what did you expect?" She playfully glared at me. I held my hands up in surrender.

"Blame Uncle Clint, he encouraged my pranking,"

The uncle in question held his hand to his chest, faking offence.

"I would never, cross my heart and hope to die,"

"I'd believe you, but your heart is over here," I told him, moving his hand. Aunt Nat smirked.

"Careful Pete, you're losing Carson to Barton,"

"EWW GROSS! He's my uncle, he's old and he's Cooper and Lila's DAD," I instantly respond. The others laugh, while I glare at Aunt Nat, knowing this was payback for flipping her off. Well, two can play at this game.

"Watch it Aunt Nat, Uncle Bruce doesn't like people picking on me," I say, slyly. It's Aunt Nat's turn to glare at me. Uncle Bruce blushes, while I smirk, triumphant.

*two hours later*

A large roar is heard from the lab. Cassie and I look up. It's the Hulk. There have only been two incidents over the years and both times my suit comes and takes me far away, by the time I get control over my suit back, I'm already far away. But this time was different. Cassie was here this time, I couldn't risk her getting hurt. I had powers now, she had no means of protection. I'd already thought this through, my suit was programmed to collect Cassie or Lila instead of me if one of them was here. None of the others knew so they couldn't temporarily stop that.

The suit came into the room and, to my delight, did take Cassie. Even though I had taught her a few things, she definitely couldn't override my suit. I rushed to the others.

"What about Cassie?" I heard Uncle Scott yell. I leaned against the doorway.

"What about her?" I asked, causing them to turn around.

"Carson? What are you doing here? Your suit...," Uncle Sam started. I interrupted.

"...took Cassie, I programmed it to, she had no other means of protection, I have powers," I point out. They weren't pleased but it was obviously too late.

"Just be careful," Uncle Steve ordered. I nodded.

A deafening roar emerged from the other room, I hid behind one of the couches. Hulk crashed through, Wanda would have stopped him with her powers, but she was away with Vision in Africa, they wanted to see T'Challa and his sister Shuri. Hulk flipped several couches ansd chairs over before coming to the one I was hidden behind. 

"NO!" I heard the others shout, but Hulk ignored them, knocking uncle Buck to the ground. He picked up the couch, tearing it in half. I had a hand behind my back, fire dancing on my fingers, ready. But Hulk paused when he saw me and just stared. I slowly rose from my kneeling position, keeping my brown eyes on his.
"Hey Hulk, I'm Carson, Tony's daughter, Bruce's niece. It's nice to meet you," I said, gently, reaching out my hand towards him, the one that wasn't on fire.
"Carson," Hulk mumbles. "Nice to meet you too,"
His speech hadn't been so good before, but after he went missing for two years,which really broke my heart, I cried for a week, he'd learnt to talk properly. 
I smiled at Hulk. "I know you don't want to be trapped in there, but I need my uncle back, please, he's family," I tell him, the fire starting to fade away.
Hulk nodded and he suddenly started to shrink, turning back into my uncle. Looks like Hulk had a soft spot.

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