Who are you guys?

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Loki p.o.v

I didn't like it, but there was no other way. The Maximoff girl couldn't do it, Carson had learnt to block her mind from hers years ago. I breathed and focused my magic, entering her mind. Only something had taken over. After searching for several moments, I withdrew from her head.

"We have a slight problem," I informed the Midguardians. Rogers' raised an eyebrow.

"What kind of problem?"

"Whatever is controlling her thoughts isn't coming from her head, I have no access to it," I replied, disappointed. "All I can do is bring back a few memories,"
"How many?" Romanoff asks.

"Enough so she knows we are not her enemies, but she won't remember all of us," I warn. Wilson speaks up.

"Whatever you can do, do it,"

I nod and re-enter Carson's head, I pull out what memories I can and retreat from her mind. She wakes, blinking and glances at us. Stark steps towards her.

"Hey sweetie," He says softly to her.

Carson p.o.v

"Hey sweetie,"

I look up. "Hey dad,"

Tears spring to his eyes and he pulls me into a hug.

"Do you know us?" Uncle Steve asks, as I pull away from dad.

"Your Uncle Steve, Uncle Bruce, Uncle Clint, Aunt Pepper, Uncle Rhodes, Uncle Happy and Aunt Nat. I don't know who the rest are," I reply, the ones I didn't mention look very upset.

"Aunt Pepper?"

"Yeah, Aunt Pepper, you're dating dad," I remind her. Aunt Pepper looked...er...disappointed, why, did I do something? And who are those other people? "Who are you guys?" I ask them. They look at each other, awkwardly. One of them stepped forward. Wait...that's Thor.

"Do you not even know who I am?" He asks.

"Oh wait, I know who you are, you're Thor, one of the Avengers, nice to meet ya," I greet. Thor turned to the couch behind me, I glanced back and saw...Loki, shouldn't he on Asgard? "I get why Thor's here, but why is he here?" I ask, pointing at Loki.

Tony p.o.v

We look at each other, no clue as of what to do. I was thrilled she remembered me, but I knew how much it must be hurting the others, especially Wanda, it's like she's lost another sibling. Carson looked at all of us, confused.
I take a deep breath, she needs to know. It could bring back more memories.
"Sweetheart, you were captured by Hydra, they messed with your head, all of them are your family," I tell her, gently. She looks at everyone, her eyes rest on Barnes.
"You're...," she starts, thinking. "You're...Uncle Buck,"
Barnes nods, a relieved look on his face. He sweeps her into a hug. Wanda steps forward hurriedly.
"Do you know who I am?" She asks, desperately. I see Carson concentrate, trying hard to remember her.
"I know that...you're important to me...that I trust you...and I count on you and you count on me...because we're family," she says. Wanda is torn between thrilled and upset. She pulls Carson into a hug of her own, clinging to her.
Vision, Thor, Wilson, Lang, Loki and Cassie looked at them, clearly upset.
"T'Challa and Shuri have arrived boss," Friday calls down. I look up.
"Thank you Friday," I reply. They were here, our one chance was here. They'd fixed Barnes, they had to be able to fix Carson. They just had too.
"Who are T'Challa and Shuri?" Carson asked. Yeah, they were not going to be happy. Despite not knowing each other that well, they still got along very well.
"You'll see," I decide to answer. Maybe when she sees them she may recognise them, she'd recognised Nat.
We all trooped to the lab, where we found T'Challa and Shuri waiting.
"So Stark, what is the problem?" T'Challa asks. I take a breath.
Shuri looked confused.
"I thought you took care of them last time,"
"Cut off one, two more shall take its place," Barnes quoted. "They weren't kidding, and worse, they got Carson again,"
"She's right here, she's fine," she pointed out. Vision sighed.
"Do you remember what happened to Mr Barnes?" He asks. T'Challa and Shuri's eyes widen.
"They didn't...," T'Challa says, as a desperate attempt. Shuri goes over to Carson.
"Do you know who I am?"
"Sorry, no," she replies, shaking her head. "I don't know who half these guys are,"
"Can you help her?" Rogers asks, urgently. Loki interjects.
"One small problem, whatever is stopping her memories from resurfacing isn't in her head, I checked,"
"Then we need to find out where it is, as soon as possible," Shuri decides. She has Carson sit on a desk. "Friday, take a scan of Carson and tell me of anything unusual," she orders. She turns to us. "Go, I need to focus,"
We nod and leave.

Wanda p.o.v
We wait in the lounge for a while until Shuri and T'Challa come up. They both look rather grave.
"We found the chip keeping Carson's memories trapped," T'Challa tells us. "It's in her...

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