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Carson p.o.v
HOLY CRAP, PETER WAS KISSING ME! HOLY SH*T, I WAS KISSING HIM BACK! And I...liked it. I really did. Peter's hands went to my waist and mine in his hair. 


Uh oh. Peter and I quickly  jumped apart. I laughed nervously at my now, fuming uncle. He narrowed his eyes at us

"Hey, Uncle Rhodes," I greeted, not knowing what else to say. Uncle Rhodes glared at both of us.

"We are all going to walk downstairs and find Tony, okay, and then we are gonna talk about this," Uncle Rhodes suggested, no stated, actually. I groaned, hiding my face in my hands.

"Oh, I'm so dead," Peter and I muttered in sync. Uncle Rhodes led us to the lab, where dad, Uncle Bruce and, surprisingly, Uncle Thor were. Dad looked up as we came in.

"Okay, I'm seeing guilty faces, did you two prank Rhodey?"

"No dad/sir," Peter and I chorused. Uncle Rhodes spoke up.

"I just caught them in the sports hall, kissing,"

'Snitch,' I thought. I looked at dad, who was coming out of his shock and, boy, did he look unhappy. I gave a fake laugh.

"So, funny story, umm...we were doing trick shots and we...bumped into each other," I finished uncertainly. Peter nodded along, trying to get out of trouble, but not even Cooper would have fallen for it. And he's an idiot. Seriously, how did he get into college? 

"Upstairs, now!"

Bucky p.o.v
Stark gathered all of us in the main room, Carson and Peter were both staring at the floor, seemingly very uncomfortable. Stark cleared his voice.

"Rhodey just came down to the lab and told me a rather interesting story," he started. Had Carson and Peter been pranking or something? Unless...had they? "Apparently, he walked into Carson and Peter here, kissing," He finished, looking very annoyed. Yep, they had. Wanda and Pepper squealed in delight, they'd been waiting for this day for years. Stark on the other hand, had been glad Carson hadn't ever had interest in anyone, though that was mostly because she never saw many kids her own age. Nat shot up and pulled Carson towards the door, the other girls following.

"Where are you going?" Stark asked. Nat gave him a questioning look.

"To talk to minus impius about her first kiss, of course," Stark didn't look pleased.

"Sit down," He commanded. They did. Nat glanced at Peter.

"Oh, and if you hurt my niece, I'll hurt you back," Peter nodded, understandably. Some of the others, me included, nodded along with her. Only Stark, Hogan, Rhodes and Banner hadn't. The doctor sighed and motioned for Carson to follow him. She left, Stark looking smug, thinking that the doctor was going to stop her from being with Peter. Wanda turned to me.

"You knew as well?" She asked. How...mind reader, forgot. I nodded.

"Caught them having a 'moment' and warned Peter that not everyone was going to be pleased about this," I told her.

Bruce p.o.v
Carson followed me out, I turned to look at her. She gave me a small sheepish smile. I returned it with a small smirk.

"Do you really like him?" I asked. She nodded and gave a quiet  'yeah'. "Then I won't stop you, but know that if he breaks your heart I'm gonna break his face and I won't even change a shade," I said. (anyone get that reference) We walked back into the main room, where Tony seemed rather pleased. He probably thought I would side with him. I went over to Peter.

"Just know, that if you break her heart I will break your face, simple as" I told him. He nodded, relaxing slightly, though still a little tense. Tony's jaw dropped.

"What?" I asked. "I ship Carter," Well I did now, at least. The others nodded agreeing with me. Happy and Rhode seemed to be having a telepathic conversation, because they gave stiff nods to each other and Happy faced Peter.

"Alright kid, basically, if Cece get's hurt, you get more hurt, got it?" Peter nodded.

"Yeah, absolutely,"

'3...2...1...' I thought, Wanda smirked. 'Now,'


Wildchild *book two*Where stories live. Discover now