Bring her back

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Sam p.o.v

Loki kept staring at the kid, making him shift in his seat. The poor kid was trying to avoid looking at him, but his eyes swivelled round to meet his every so often. Thor, getting annoyed by this, speaks up.

"Brother, leave the spider boy alone," He orders. Loki scoffs.

"I'm only looking brother, no harm in that," He counters. The kid groans, hiding his face in his hands.

"Why does she have to be so loveable?" He mutters. "Everyone wouldn't be so protective then," 

"Yeah, but if she wasn't so loveable, you probably wouldn't like her," Clint points out. Tony's eyes, which were also glaring at the kid, widen.

"Why does she have to be so loveable?" He starts. Half the people on the plane groan. Loki finishes:

"The spider boy wouldn't like her then,"

"But one, then Tony wouldn't have liked her and adopted her, two, then Loki would never have met her," Nat reminds them both. A look of realisation passes through both of them, but then they start so say...

"Why does the kid have to be so...whatever it is that makes Carson like him, she wouldn't like him then," They utter together.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me!" I groan, irritated to the bone. This was going to be such a long flight if they didn't shut the hell up. The kid still seemed nervous, but not too bad. Until Cooper decided to get involved that is.
"So, you and my sister huh?" He begins. I see Lila roll her eyes at him. "The one that isn't Lila of course," he adds.
"Yeah, me and her," Parker responds, seemingly on edge, though who wouldn't be. I was still considering setting Redwing on him.
'Don't you dare,' Wanda's voice echoes in my head.
'I wasn't going to, I was just thinking about it,' I reply. She sends me an eye roll.
"Cooper," Clint says, in a warning tone. Cooper looks at him.
"What? I'm just watching out for Car,"
"He's already getting looks from Tony and Loki, I think if anyone else starts he's not gonna take it well,"
"That's why I'm doing it," Cooper replies, an obvious tone to his words.
"Coop, if Sonny likes him, you know better than to scare him off, you know how she'll react," Lila warns him. The girls are the only ones above 70% okay with them.
After a groan, Cooper nods and backs up. None of us blamed him for scaring the kid, we all just wanted to protect her and we'd already failed at least three times in the last six months.
"Tony," Pepper calls. "Leave the poor boy alone," she orders.
"But he's dating my little girl," Tony whines. Eyebrows are raised. A lot of them.
"She's seventeen, Tony, this happens," Pepper tries to soothe. He stubbornly shook his head.
"She wasn't interested in anyone before, I thought it wouldn't happen,"
"Tony, no matter how much we all want her to stay the little girl she used to be, she won't, people have to grow up here, we aren't in Neverland," Steve tells him. "Trust me, we're all going to miss her being a kid, but it never lasts,"
"I know, it's just passed so quickly," Tony admits. "I don't even know how she's managed to become such a strong, grown woman in such a short space of time," (a/n-told you it would be sappy)
"She became so strong because she had us guiding her along the way, we've helped shape her into who she is," Nat says. She's right. As always.
"And I'd say she's had a pretty great dad, ask her yourself when she has her memories back," Clint suggests. Tony nods and pulls himself together. 
"Thanks," it sounds odd coming from him, but we all know he means it. 
"Why are you unable to remove the chip in the lab back at the compound?" Bruce suddenly asks. Shuri looks up.
"The chip is surgically implanted into her viens, your technology was good, but not that good," she responds. Bruce nods, understandably.
"As long as you can bring her back, that's all that matters," Barnes says.

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