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The Devil p.o.v
I sat at the edge of a tall building, bow and arrow in hand, waiting for my target. I'd been with Hydra for a month, from what I can remember. I only know them and their cause. To create a new world, a better world and I'm going to help get it.
I have this chip in my wrist for some reason, my superior says it's to keep me from leaving, I'd never leave though, I have to do my part.
This is my third target this week, Hydra have been renting me off as a killer-for-hire. In between that I do missions of course, but sometimes, I feel like there's something else inside of me, like another person. And I get these flashes of other places and people I don't know. But I can't tell Hydra, they have no time for my odd 'visions' or whatever they are, creating a better world is more important.
My target walks into my line of fire, I raise the arrow, ready to release as I follow my target as he walks through the room. His name is Scott Lang, apparently he's known as Antman, and is one of the people who are stopped us from saving this planet. But his name, it's familiar, like I should now it from somewhere else...


"Uncle Scott," a fifteen years old girl greets. 
"Hey Butterfly," a man replies, it's Scott Lang. He pulls the girl into a hug. "How's it going?"
"Dad is being...dad and mom is having a go at him for being dad," she explains. Scott chuckles.
"That's Tony for ya,"

*end of flashback*

What the heck! What was that? And why did that girl look like me?
I shook my head and focused on my target, but then my hand wouldn't release the arrow, as if it had been glued on...


Clint entered the training room and grabbed his...
Sticky bow?
It was covered in glue, he couldn't get it off, he turned and saw that all but one of his arrows had been taken. There was a sticky note attached to it reading.
'Hope you enjoy finding your arrows. And a way to unglue your hand.
little arrow, Coop and Lila🎯'
'Well played guys, now take it off,' he ordered. Laughing came from the entrance. Standing there, we're two girls and a boy.
'NEVER!' yelled the older girl. Me. They took off. Leaving a very annoyed Clint.

*end of flashback*

What was going on? Who were those two kids? And why did they seem so familiar? 
I stayed sitting there in shock, not noticing the target spot me and move away, nor did I notice the presence of another on the roof until...
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" They demanded. It was a woman's...


"And you thought...," a girl of nine started.
SLAM! She was pinned to the mat, like the woman had just been.
"Not so cocky now huh?" The woman taunted. The girl struggled but she couldn't shove her off.
"Alright Aunt Nat, you win," the girl admitted, sighing. The woman got off, but then was knocked onto the mat again. Only this time, the girl sat on her.
"Actually, I was wrong, I win,"

*end of flashback*

"Aunt Nat?" I asked. Her eyes widened hearing my voice. She got off me, but I didn't pin her like I did in the flashback.
"Who's Carson?" I asked, confused. Then I realised, I'm an assassin, I'm emotionless. But for some reason, my facade wouldn't go up. I saw Nat tear up.
"You don't know me?"
I shook my head. "I think I pinned you once, when I was nine," I replied. Nat's fingers went to her ear.
"Guys, I found her," she said, breathless and near to tears. "I found Carson,"
I stared, unsure. Who is Carson? The name sounded...familiar. Nat grabbed my arm, I pulled back, but her grip was tight. Instead of knocking her down, I let her drag me, my mind still reeling.
She pulled me into a ship...a quinjet. How I knew what it was called, I don't know, but I knew.
We had arrived at a building and I was pulled into someone's arms. I didn't hug back and they let go.
"Who's Carson?" I ask again. The man's face falls.
"What do you mean who's Carson, your Carson," a woman with a slight accent says. She's familiar, so is the man. And everyone behind them. 
"I'm the Devil, I don't know who Carson is, I'm sorry," I apologise. I don't know these people, what if they're enemies of Hydra?
"Are you with Hydra?" I decide to ask. Another man steps towards me.
"We're the good guys, don't worry," he soothes. I recognise him, he's the Winter Soldier, he's a traitor.
"No you're not, I know who you are, you're the Winter Soldier, you are a traitor!" I accuse. He looks horrified.
"Hydra, they've wiped her, and it worked," he mutters, but everyone hears it. They look horrified too.
"Loki!" One man cries. He's holding a...hammer? I know that name. Everyone turns to him. "Loki may be able to fix this,"
"She's not broken," the man who hugged me states.
"Well he can help,"
"What do you mean? The only help I need, is help getting back to Hydra," I insist. I take off, they all follow. I'm grabbed and they hold on tight as I struggle.
"Careful Steve, don't hurt her!" Cries another man.
"I'm trying, but she won't stop squirming," the man, Steve replies. I know that name too, WHY?!
"Brother, we need your help!" Cries the man who mentioned Loki, as I'm dragged unceremoniously into the building. A different man looks up. His face becomes graced with a smile. 
"You found her,"
"Yes, but there's a slight problem," The Winter Soldier says. "Hydra got to her head,"
Loki, despite his already pale skin, turns very white. Though he seems unkeen, he nods, knowing what to do. The thing is, what is he going to do?

A/n- Sorry this took so long, guys, I've just gone back to college and I completely blanked, I'll try not to wait too long next time, hope you guys like the chapter :)

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