I am fine, but if I hear one more apology, you won't be

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Peter p.o.v
"So, kid, I'm gonna make this very simple: you hurt Carson, I will hurt you. But not because I care, because if you hurt her, I have an excuse to hurt you. Got it?" Rocket asks.
I nod, nervously, Peter Q and Drax also staring at me. Gamora keeps shooting the three warning glances, so they (hopefully, but probably won't) will restrain themselves and I won't get attacked. Mantis is just standing there, smiling cause she finds this funny.
Why is this so amusing?
Why is everyone so protective over Carson?
Why does she have to be so loveable?
Why couldn't I love someone with normal family members that weren't freaking superheroes?
Wanda pressed her hands to her ears.
"Peter would you stop? Your thoughts are too loud!" She snaps. I grin sheepishly.
"Sorry Wanda," I apologise.
"Apology accepted,"

Carson p.o.v
Groot and I finally find where the guardians are interrogating Peter. Even though they're messing with my boyfriend, I can't help but laugh a little at the scene.
Rocket is standing right in front of Peter, who in turn, is staring at him, almost fearfully. Peter Q is standing next to Drax, glaring at him. Drax is also glaring, only it's way scarier than Peter Q's. Gamora is sending the three intense warning glances. Mantis is smiling, most likely finding this all funny.
Wanda, Cassie, Cooper, Lila, mom and all my aunts, dad's and uncles are in here as well. T'challa and Shuri had also graced us with their presences. Wade had finally stopped hiding.
"Is Peter getting scared to death really that amusing?" I ask, catching everyone's attention.
"Yes," they all reply, without hesitance.
"Damn, did you guys rehearse that?" I ask, my sarcasm leaking through. Uncle Sam smirked.
"Yeah we have. Rehearsal every Tuesday night, don't miss it this week Banner," he jokes. I chuckle before dropping in a seat beside Wade.
"Hey mini-Stark/crazy God who tried to take over Earth!" He greeted. I gave him a look.
Wade stayed silent a moment, contemplating. He seemed to come to a decision.
I facepalm. How are we even friends?
A bright orange light appears, startling us all. As agents, or ex-agents, Uncle Clint, Uncle Buck, Uncle Steve, Aunt Nat, Gamora and I, all remain calm. So does father. At least on the outside. But everyone else, not so much. I actually heard a surprised squeak from Uncle Scott.
The orange light became a large circle and it dawned on me who was doing this. I smirk.
Just as I thought, the person to walk through the large circle is...
Dr Stephen Strange!
"You always gotta make an entrance, don't you?" I ask, sarcastic as always. Dr Strange gives me a look.
"What's the point of making portals if I don't use them for dramatic entrances?" He retorts. My smirk falls.
"Touché," I admit. Then I grin and rush over to give the sorcerer a hug. It's been ages since I last saw him.
"It's been a while," dad says, once I pull away. Dr Strange looks at him.
"Yes, it has," he agrees. I groan.
"If you two are gonna get all sappy, I am leaving the room," I warn. Dr Strange and dad come to a quick decision.
"Bye," they chorus. I can't help but laugh.
"Didn't realise Strange was also attending those rehearsals," I say, pointedly at Uncle Sam. He grins at me.
"Yeah, Butterfly, everyone comes," he replies. "Except Wade, he got kicked out," I throw my hands up as a show of surrender and retake my seat next to Wade. Or at least I try to. Peter takes that moment to steal my seat and pull me onto his lap. I roll my eyes, but stay put.
"When did this happen?" Dr Strange asks, motioning to us. Peter and I groan. And now there's another person who is going to be incredibly overprotective. I almost feel sorry for Peter. Almost.
"Little while ago, I, unfortunately, cannot seem to get them to break up," dad responds. Dr Strange raises an eyebrow.
"Okay then. Now this is very simple: you hurt her, I will send you falling for a really long time, got it?" He asks/warns. Peter hastily nods, his arms tightening around my waist in panic.
"Peter, as much as I enjoy your hugs, I need to breathe. You are literally breaking my lungs," I gasp. Peter's arms instantly loosen. Que the continuous apologies.
"Peter. Peter. Peter!" I snap. He falls silent. "I am fine, but if I hear one more apology, you won't be," I warn. Peter nods.
"Got it,"

Wildchild *book two*Where stories live. Discover now