The date...

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Carson p.o.v
Peter led me up to the roof, where an air balloon was set up, waiting for us. 
"I thought we could take a balloon ride over the city, it's specially designed to bring us back here before midnight since that's when Mr Stark said I had to bring you back by," Peter explained. "Do you like it?"
"Peter...I love it, thank you!" I pulled Peter, who had a relieved grin on his face, into a hug. Then we got into the basket, where a picnic had been set up.
It was amazing, we ate (he'd remembered how much I loved pop tarts), we talked, we laughed and, of course, kissed. It was absolutely magical and I loved every second of it. And I loved Peter even more, which I hadn't thought I could. I know it's pretty cliché, but I felt like we were the only two people on earth, that nobody else existed and all our problems were gone. I never wanted it to end.
But time still existed and before I knew it, we were home. Only we didn't notice at first, in deep conversation. Finally, I glanced at Peter's watch.
"Peter, we have to go inside, we're twenty minutes past curfew," I say, slight panic in my voice. My parents were not just going to let me being late past and they were great at coming up with unusual punishments. I once had to walk round the compound with Uncle Thor's magical hammer, Mjolnir, balancing on my head. That's right, I'm worthy. But Hela just HAD to destroy it.
Anyway, Peter and I rush into the building, only for me to bump into Uncle Buck, Peter then almost bumping into uncle Sam, but he halted in time. His spidey-sense must have gone off.
Standing in front of us was...wayyyyy too many people for my liking. 
"So...Carson, care to explain yourself?" Dad asked. Only he wasn't asking, he was demanding. 
"Ok, so, technically, Peter and I were back in time... we just weren't in building," I replied. That seemed good enough for mom, Aunt Nat, my sisters, Uncle Bruce and Uncle Buck, but the others were another story.
Ok, that's a lie, they all accepted my explanation, dad just wanted an excuse to give me another one of his 'ingenious' punishments.
Long story short: I basically became CEO of Stark industries for a month, only that was a terrible idea. I just gave everyone the month off and gave all the paperwork to Wade. Odin knows what he did with them.
Dad basically gave up trying to punish me after that. Though mom seemed pretty ticked. So did Uncle Happy. But father seemed pleased that I was clearly almost as mischievous as him, which I gotta say, I don't mind at all.

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