Advice, missles and texts

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Peter p.o.v
"Hey, Shuri, I need some advice," I say, anxiously. I really needed her help. Otherwise, I'd have to go to Wanda and she would go wayyyyy too far.
"Yeah, what?" Shuri asks, giving me a look. She knows what I want, but she's gonna make me say it. I take a deep breath.
"Idon'tknowwhattodoformineandCarson'sdatepleasehelp," I reply in a rush. Shuri bursts out laughing, I groan. We may get on extremly well, but she never hesitates to tease me.
"Fine, I'll help. But, you owe me," she says, sternly. I nod, it would be worth it. "Okay, so it's painfully obvious that Carson will not like a typical sappy romantic date, you need something more...daring and adventerous,"
I nod in agreeance. Everyone knew she would hate the usual type of date.
"So...any ideas?"
Shuri rolled her eyes. I gave her a sheepish grin. I was seriously stuck here.
"Do I have to do everything myself?" Shuri asks, rhetorically. "Come on Peter, I may be smarter than you and Stark combined, but you're not that stupid,"
It's my turn to roll my eyes. I hold up my hands in surrender and leave the room, deep in thought.
Then it hit me, and by 'it' I mean Mr Wilson's robot 'Redwing' crashed into me. Since I had been so focused I'd ignored my 'Peter-tingle'. Mr Wilson and Mr Rogers both came round the corner, only to see me on the ground, Redwing on my chest. They both started laughing. Turning red, I pushed Redwing off of me and stood up.
When they didn't stop laughing I walked away, when I entered the main room, Wanda burst out laughing. Crap. She heard my thoughts again.
Everyone stared at her wierdly.
"Redwing knocked Parker over," Mr Wilson said, as he walked in, still chuckling. The rest of the room followed suite. Thankfully Carson had left. But Wade, Rocket, Cooper, Lila and Cassie were also missing. Not good.
A crash came from a few floors down, followed by screaming and an apology from the girls minus Carson. 

Gamora p.o.v (betcha weren't expecting this)
The group of trouble-makers came in, Steve Rogers following, he must have rounded them up.
"What did you do?" Stark, Loki, Mrs Stark and half of the people in here ask.
"How many rehearsals do you guys have going on?" Carson asked, sarcastically. Tony Stark spoke up.
"Quite a few actually, Bruce has missed a couple and Barton rarely shows up though. Loki only came to about two of them. Plus the guardians are often in space, so they have seperate ones when they're away," he informs her. She rolls her eyes at him, but there's still love there. The kind I'd never had with Thanos. She was lucky, and she knew it.
I turned to Rocket.
"Anything to say?"
He sighs.
"Yeah, there is," he stands on the coffee table. "I would like to apologise for our prank, it was wrong,"
I and everyone else stares, shell-shocked. Until Rocket smirks.
"It was supposed to send the missle to Saturn, not Jupiter," he corrects and his fellow comrades all burst out laughing. Wade and Carson have to hold onto each other to stay up. 
But they don't laugh for long. Barton grounds his two kids for two weeks, Lang grounds his daughter for one, Peter was arguing with our wonderful companion again ('you stupid trash panda!') and Carson was being lectured by her two fathers and mother. She's not grounded, instead she has to wear her iron girl suit and hang from a magnet for a few hours. Stark's idea.
Wade of course can't technically be punished since he's a grown man, but Dr Strange decides to drop him through a portal for a little while.

Carson p.o.v
After being hung from the magnet in my iron girl suit for several hours (still mad about that!), we decide to finally go home. The guardians are coming with us to spend more time with us. Wade and Dr Strange are also coming, but T'Challa and Shuri won't be joining us.
When I go to sit, arms wrap around my waist and I'm pulled onto Peter's lap. My dad and father both see this.
"No, no, no. Carson, off!" Dad instantly commands. I fold my arms.
"I'm not a dog!" I snap. Father huffs and picks me up. "Really?" He shrugs and drops me onto a seat next to Uncle Bruce and Uncle Thor. And he's trying to text again. Yay. NOTE SARCASM! Wanda holds her hands to her ears.
"Carson!" She whines. 
"Sorry, I'm in a bad mood,"
Wanda shrugs as if to say 'that's fair'. Uncle Thor looks at me.
"Banner and I are wonderful company,"
"Unless you are texting, which you are," I point out. "You have been trying to for years and you still don't know how emails work. By the way, you need a computer,"
"Do you know how to understand Groot?"
I shake my head. "No,"
"Even after around three years?"
"And are you still trying?"
"Yes-oh," I stayed silent for the next few hours. Uncle Thor grinned triumphantly and Uncle Bruce seemed very amused.
We got back to the compound and I went to my room. Peter and I had our date tomorrow and neither of my fathers were happy about it. My phone dinged, telling me I had a message. I looked at my phone.
Thor- 'I finally learnt to text!'
I grinned, admittedly pleased. He'd been trying for so long. But...I simply couldn't allow this opportunity to go to waste.
Carson- 'Sorry, what did you say?'
Thor- 'I have learnt to text'
Carson- 'Little louder please, I didn't catch that'
Carson- 'What?'
"I LEARNT TO TEXT!" Uncle Thor's voice echoed through the compound. Holding back my laughter, I was about to send yet another text, but then Uncle Sam joined in:
"WELL DONE THOR, BUT I DON'T CARE!" Unable to control myself, I fell to the ground laughing. I had not been expecting that.

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