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Clint p.o.v
"We found the chip keeping Carson's memories trapped," T'Challa said. "It's in her wrist,"
We glance at each other.
"Well what are you waiting for? Bring my daughter back!" Tony cries. T'Challa and Shuri shift uncomfortably.
"We cannot," Shuri says. "Not here, you do not have the correct technology, but we do," she pauses for a moment. "In Wakanda,"
Silence. Then:
"TO WAKANDA!" Thor yells. I see Loki pinch his nose in annoyance.
"If the technology you need to bring Carson back to us is in Wakanda...," Rhodes starts. 
"...then let's go to Wakanda," Finishes Happy. 
"We all know the kids are gonna want to come too, right?" I remind them. They look unsure for a moment.
"We can't stop them, they love Carson as much as we do," Steve points out.
"I guess so," Scott agrees. "I'll go phone Cassie,"
"I'll get Cooper and Lila," 
"Who's calling that spider boy?" Loki asks. We all exchange nervous glances. "What?"
He looks at Tony, eyes widened. 
'Crap, he read our minds!'
"HE'S WITH HER!" Loki asks/yells. Half the room gulps and slowly backs away.
"Maybe?" Tony replies, a slight panicked look on his face.
"The boy dies," Loki states. He glares at Wanda. "Of course I'm being protective, technically she is MY daughter,"
"As much as I would love to keep boys away from Carson, forever might I add, we both know she'd never forgive either of us for that," Tony points out, ignoring Loki's 'MY daughter' comment.
The two glance at each other. I recognise a look of understanding cross between them. They're both Carson's father, one just wasn't around until recently, and that same one hasn't even been able to get to know her. They're both willing to be at a truce for her sake, we all are.
"To Wakanda," Loki says.
"Sooooo...shall I call Parker?" Sam asks. They glare at him. He holds his hands up in surrender. "Relax, you guys can call him,"
After an eye roll from Tony and a head shake from Loki, they call Peter.
"Hello, Mr Stark is that you?"
Seriously, the kid won't stop calling us 'mister' and 'miss'. Well, all accept for Wanda, but she's practically the same age as him.
"Yeah kid it's me," Tony replies. Loki smirks.
"And I," he adds. A surprised sound comes from the phone, which was on speaker.
"Who's that?"
"Loki," he replies simply. Another surprised sound.
"Err...what's going on?"
"We found her kid," Tony speaks before Loki can. "Pack your bags, we're going to Wakanda, we'll pick you up on the way,"
"Okay Mr Stark, see you then,"
As Peter hangs up, Loki grins.
"I think this shall be an enjoyable trip," he decides. We all roll our eyes. Though I admit, the trip would certainly be interesting.

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