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*ten years later*
Carson p.o.v
"MOM!" My six year old, daughter, Maria Frigga Parker yelled as she came into the game room. I placed the monopoly board onto the pile of board games and turned to face my daughter.
"What is it Ria?" I asked. Knowing my little monsters, someone had probably 'borrowed' something. 
"Ben stole my guitar!" Maria whined, she loved that guitar. Ever since we found out she had inherited my guitar skills (Peter's words, not mine) she'd been taking lessons once a week. She was very protective over her guitar, which, even though money obviously wasn't an issue, had been my first guitar from my first birthday with the Avengers. Dad had wanted to buy her a brand new one, but we said no.
I sighed. Not this again. "Benjamin Peter Parker how many times do we have to go over this?" I called up to my eldest as I went down the hall to my son's room. He was always taking Ria's instruments and books, he was incredibly mischievous, even more so than I was at his age. You could clearly tell he was the grandson of the God of mischief and lies.
My nine year old son poked his head out of his doorway. 
"Probably a lot," he replied, nonchalantly. I mentally face palmed. I think he could tell by this point. We'd go over this at least twice a week.
"Agreed. Now give Ria's guitar back to her," I ordered. I hated having to do this, Peter, surprisingly, was much better at disciplining our kids than I was. 
Once Ben handed the guitar over I added: "Also, you're grounded and be glad I'm not taking a leaf out of your grandads book,"
Ben hung his head, he didn't like it when I scolded him, like his grandfather, he was also a mamma's boy. 
"Yes mom,"
"Good, now go finish your homework I know for a fact you haven't done it yet,"
"Yes mom,"
"Then you can come down for dinner,"
"Yes mom,"
"Also, Aunt Wanda and Uncle Vision are coming over with the twins,"
"Yes mom,"
"I also used your toothbrush to clean the toilet,"
"Yes mom,"
"You're not listening to your mother are you?" Came a voice from behind me.
"Yes mom,"
"Hey! I'm not your mother," Uncle Clint said, pretending to be insulted. Ben's head shot up, realising he'd been caught ignoring me. I raised my eyebrow.
"Sorry mom, sorry Uncle Clint," he apologised. Uncle Clint laughed.
"I can't believe he didn't realise you told him you used his toothbrush to clean the toilet," he said to me. Which caused me to start cracking up.
"WHAT!" Ben cried.
"Relax kid, they're joking," Cooper said, watching in amusement. Apparently we'd attracted an audience.
"Thank Odin,"
"I'd rather you didn't," father interjected. Ben laughed at that. 
"What's going on up here?" I heard my husband ask. I smiled. He'd been to the store with my mom and Aunt Nat, looking for baby clothes. I would have gone too, but it was tiring enough the first two times.
Once Peter had been given an explanation, he turned to Ben as I picked up Ria.
"Now Ben, I know you love to cause a bit of trouble, but you need to tone it down a bit with the due date so close, we don't want to stress out your mother,"
I smiled and rested a hand on my swelled stomach, Ria doing the same. She and Ben were going to have a baby sister soon. As usual, dad had gone all out on the new babies room. Uncle Steve and Uncle Buck too. Uncle Bruce may have had a bit to do with it. And Uncle Rhodes. Lila, Wanda and Cassie may or may not have filled it with stuffed toys. Same with Wade and the guardians.
...and Peter and I may have gotten a little carried away...again. Oops.
Yeah, little Freya Carson Parker was going to be very loved indeed.
As well as mischievous, quick-witted, a smart-ass, a bad-ass, a little whiny, super intelligent and completely spoilt.
And hopefully a fan of music and sports.

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