Zues, Finley and Wade Jr

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Carson p.o.v
Everyone groans. I grin.
"Wade!" I greet. He comes in, he's wearing his costume of course, but I bet he's grinning like a maniac under his mask.
I'm the only one that actually LIKES Wade. Let's just say there have been...incidents every time Wade and I are together. Even Cooper doesn't like him. Seriously, you let a monkey on him ONE TIME and, suddenly, you're the bad guy.
I first met Wade when I was about ten. Ultron was in Sokovia and the team couldn't bear to risk losing me, they couldn't take me with them, I wasn't ready for something like THAT yet, but Ultron could easily get me if I was left alone in the tower. So, they called Fury, who sent Wade.
Long story short, sharks do not belong in pools.
Then there was another time when everyone was really busy. Uncle Rhodey was at his base, Uncle Happy and mom, Stark industries, Uncle Steve, Uncle Sam, Uncle Clint an Aunt Nat were all looking for Uncle Buck, and Uncle Thor was searching for infinity stones. Uncle Bruce was on Saccar at the time and Vision was...actually, I don't know where Vision was. Wanda was supposed to be with me, but she wanted to find Vision, so she called Wade, thinking I was mature enough to stop him from being...himself.
Another long story short, stay away from dynamite. Or at least keep it away from fire. And Wade. And...me.
"Nope, not happening, goodbye," dad waves Wade away. Or at least, he tries to. Wade is as important to me as T'Challa and Shuri, I care about them, but I don't think of them as family, though maybe one day maybe. Until then, Wade is my best friend and T'Challa and Shuri are close second and thirds.
"Oh come on bigger Stark, let me see her," Wade begs. He ducks under dad and comes towards me. Cue the overprotective Asgardian.
"Who are you?" Loki sneers. I face palm.
"I'm amazing, now shoo,"
"He's Wade Wilson, a.k.a. Deadpool and he is kinda amazing," I admit. Wade laughs.
"Remember that shark you named Zues?" I glare at him. 
"I was ten, let it go,"
"Shark?" Loki asks, shocked. 
"Yeah, didn't you also name one Finley?"
"How many sharks were there?" Loki practically yells.
"Only about...twelve," Wade replies.
"As I recall, YOU named one Wade Jr," I turned the tables on him. I think he starts to glare at me.
"Nope, not happening, goodbye," Loki repeats.
Wade, of course, ignores him. And idea comes to his head.
"I'll get the fireworks,"
"I'll get the lighter,"
We take off. Surprisingly, I get up and running, easily. We're chased, but Wade sprays them with...silly string?
Well it worked at least.
After setting off about fifty fireworks, scaring several Wakandans (and nearly starting a forest fire), Wade is being pulled off the ground by Wanda's magic, while Loki uses his to carry me. I fold my arms, huffing.
"At least no one got hurt this time," I point out. Cassie glares at me. I glare back. She backs down.
"What do you mean by 'this time'?" Shuri asks.
"Well last time Wade and I may have, not, kinda, accidentally, not on purpose, sent about eighteen people to the hospital," I admitted. Loki glares at me.
"You are so grounded,"
"Do you even know what that means?"
"Er...no, but I know it is a Earth punishment,"
"So is whipping in some countries, but it doesn't mean you should do it," I point out. "Besides, dad already grounded me for that, I mean, it was like, five years ago,"
"Oh yeah, high five bestie!" Wade cries. I lift my hand and we high five. Everyone groans again.
"Why does Fury hate us so much?" Uncle Clint asks, sarcastically.
"Because out of all of us, I'm the only one he has a soft spot for, except maybe Aunt Nat," I remind them.
When Wade and I are finally put down, we try to have some fun. By blowing up the moon.
"But mom...,"
"No buts pup, you are not blowing up the moon,"
"Wait, they wanna blow up the moon? I think you missy, spent a little too much time with that racoon last time he was here," Uncle Rhodes lectures.
I missed Rocket, he was fun. So were Groot and Drax. Mantis was very interesting to talk to and Peter and I had a few things in common. Like our taste in music. We'd spent a lot of time together singing and dancing to different songs. I even helped introduce him to music he'd missed out on while he'd been gone. Gamora and I were rather friendly, but we hadn't spoken enough to be friends yet.
They came over every few months, so they'd be coming any day now. I was thrilled, once Rocket found out about me and Peter, something very funny was bound to happen. Knowing him, he'd try to threaten Peter if he ever broke my heart, while trying to avoid admitting he cared.
While we're on the topic, yes, I do know Dr Strange. At first I was a little wary of him, but now we're good.
I met Pietro too, but only briefly of course. I had actually gone with the avengers to stop Ultron from getting the vibranium, that had taken a lot of convincing. But, things didn't go to plan:


I hurriedly knocked down a man who was trying to shoot me, he had really bad aim. Maybe I had managed to knock the sense to learn into him.
When I twisted around, I wasn't there anymore. I was in my mother's pub. The woman in question stormed inside, furious.
"There you are you little brat!"
She grabbed me by my hair and punched me in the gut. Then she pushed me to the floor and grabbed an empty beer bottle. My eyes widened. I covered my face.
"No, please don't," I begged. But she didn't stop. Just as the bottle was raised, she vanished and I was back. I landed on all fours, shaking as the memories hit me like a truck. My head raised. Standing in front of me was the Maximoff girl, staring at me.
"That was your mother?" She asked, her accent heavy. I nodded my head weakly. A hand went to her mouth.
"She...did that to you?"
Again, I nodded.
"I'm sorry I made you see that again,"
She took off, just as Uncle Clint got to me.
"She get you?"
"Yeah, but I'm fine,"
I rose up. "Where are the others?"

Several loud noises cane from downstairs, I went down, panicking. Then I saw a...man? With red skin? Holding Uncle Thor's hammer?
"Carson, this is Vision," Uncle Thor introduced. I nodded at him. Uncle Thor took the hammer and the red dude walked off.
"Right," said Uncle Thor, he patted dad's back on the way out. "Good job,"
"Hold on, you made him?" I asked in shock. "After what happened last time?"
"Hey, this time, we're good,"
I groan and turn around...only to smack into a hard chest. I glance up and jump away. The Maximoff boy, I look next to him. The Maximoff girl.
"Don't worry, they're on our side," Uncle Steve comforts, seeing the panicked look on my face. He heads off.
"Five minutes,"
"Where are we going?"
"You're not going, I'm calling Fury and getting you a babysitter," dad calls. I realise I've been left alone...with the twins.
"I understand if you don't trust us after what happened," is the first thing that comes out of the girls mouth. "But I hope we can become friends,"
She goes to walk off. Her brother starts to follow, I grab his arm and he and his sister stop. I hold out my hand.
"I'm Carson Stark,"
The Maximoff boy takes it first.
"Pietro Maximoff,"
"Wanda Maximoff,"
"Nice to meet you,"
I smile at them. They smile back.
"Nice to meet you both to, now go save the world and stuff,"
They smirk and salute. 
"Yes ma'am,"

*end of flashback*

When I found out Pietro had died I'd been so upset. But nothing like how Wanda was. So I made it my mission to make her feel better. As you can tell, it worked, it just took a while. I think Pietro and I would have had a lot of fun if he was still here. I'd also have two brothers.
"It's not just Rocket's fault. It's Drax's too, he thought there were too many moons," I counter.
Mom and Uncle Rhodes groan and take the bomb away. Wade and I huff. Then another idea hits. Uncle Buck'll kill me, but it's to fun to pass up. 
"I'll get the magnet,"
"I'll get the popcorn,"

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