Love-sick puppies

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Carson p.o.v
This is it. I'm really doing this. I, Carson Cleo Stark, daughter know what, never mind. I am going on a date. With Peter Parker, a.k.a Spiderman. I AM SO FREAKING NERVOUS AND I DON'T LIKE IT!
"Breath, котенок," Wanda ordered, entering my room, dragging her best friend, Kirra Vamillon, as well. Kirra's an ex-S.H.I.E.L.D agent, but she was hired to work in the compound because she was one of the top agents. She's only 29, and about 5ft 1, but do not underestimate her. She and Wanda instantly hit it off and we get along well enough.

Aunt Nat followed them, smirking at me. Lila and Cassie came in, looking excited. Great. My room was now full of over-excited girls who want to dress me up. I put my guitar down, I'd been playing it to help calm me down, dad insisted that I was a musical prodigy, so I just had to have the best instruments money could buy.
"Little nervous are we, minus impius?" Aunt Nat asked, teasingly. I glare at her.
"Say that again and Uncle Brucie and I are gonna have a little chat," I warn. Aunt Nat rolls her eyes, but knows I'm serious. Aunt Nat has been rather open to me about her...feelings about the good docter. Big mistake if you ask...anyone. It's been seven years and those two are still having a very  ridiculous unspoken thing.
"Alright, Sonny. Are you ready for your date?" Cassie asks.
"Yep," I reply, unconvincingly. Goddamit! I am supposed to be a spy, I should be better at hiding my emotions. Apparently not.
"I don't believe that for a second," Kirra argues. I fold my arms, pouting.

"Ok, Peter finally told us his plans. Granted, he only just figured them out when we asked, but still," Aunt Nat says.
"So we need to get you ready," Wanda says. I groan. They were definitely gonna try and go overboard. No. Freaking. Way.
"No dresses, no skirts and no make-up," I order. Wanda's grin falls.
"But it's your first date," Lila argues.
"Lila...," I say in a low warning tone.

Peter p.o.v
This was it. I was really doing this. I, Peter Benjamin Parker, was going to take Carson Cleo Stark out on a date. WHAT IF SHE DIDN'T LIKE IT? She would, wouldn't she? (A/n-These two are so cute...I just fangirled, I don't fan girl, do I have a fever? I must have a fever.)
I hoped she'd like it. This was her first date, from what Wanda had told me, which meant it was probably true. My nerves were sky-rocketing. And the looks I kept getting from everyone weren't helping. Mr Lang felt so sorry for me, he actually got Mr Thor to help get Mr Stark and Mr Loki out.
Mr Barton eventually kicked Cooper out after them. Then he had to make sure Wade didn't go, knowing him he would go to Carson's room and do something very bad, that would either ruin the date (which most of these guys wouldn't mind) or possibly blow up the compound (which these guys would mind)
I was shaking, a lot. With the extremly over-protective ones gone, I felt a little better, but not much.

*skip to date*
Carson p.o.v
I checked my reflection again. I was nervous, I'd done so many life-threatening things that I would trade for this in a heartbeat. I was never this scared.
"Relax, котенок," Wanda soothed, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Peter won't be able to take his eyes off of you,"
Kirra stepped next to her and nodded in agrreance. "She's right,"
I took a deep breath. "Thanks guys,"
"Although, if you'd just let us put on a little make-up...,"
"Lila Barton," I scold in a warning voice. Lila shuts up, but smirks slightly. A knock comes from the door. Cassie goes and opens it, revealing Peter.
"Hey," he says, most likely giving Cassie a small grin. "Is Carson ready?"
"Yep," Cassie replied, indicating to me to come over. I walk around the door. Peter's smile widens.

Wanda p.o.v
Peter's eyes widen and give a slight sparkle when they land on Carson. I smiled, Carson had found one of the good ones who still respected girls, I was so proud of her.
"Hey Car, you look great," Peter complimented. He was so nervous, Kirra chuckled lightly from next to me. Carson blushed, though it wasn't that noticeable. She was better at hiding her emotions than most, so I expected it was instinct.
"Thanks," котенок replied. She was absolutely terrified, though she'd relaxed a bit when she saw Peter. Even though she could block her mind from me now, (that had taken a few years and a lot of training) it was easy to read her emotions sometimes.
"Ready to go?" Peter asked. котенок nodded. 
"Yeah," she walked out the door, turning around briefly to wave goodbye. Peter followed, sending a anxious grin our way. Nat and I shared a look, those two were like love-sick puppies.

A/n- hey guys, I'm not dead, promise, just extremely busy...and lazy. Actually I'm just lazy and forgot. Oops. Also Kirra Vamillon is an OC that somebody off of a different fanfiction site i am also using requested i include, which I agreed to add to this story. Though it's not something I would usually do, I figured 'why not?' Personally, I think this character is awesome, hope you guys like her.

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