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Clint p.o.v
"Hey little arrow," I greeted. After we found out hydra hadn't given her the arrow and butterfly symbol, but she'd been trying to get our attention, I was fine with calling her that.
"Hey Uncle Clint,"
"What are you doing?" I asked, curious. Carson smirked. She held up a device.
"This will help me with my greatest prank of all time, speaking of which, when's Cooper coming again?"
Cooper and her were both very talented at pranking. They were always causing mischief together, with Lila and/or Cassie joining in sometimes. As thrilled as I was with them having a wonderful sibling relationship, them together meant prankageden.
"I'm not sure, he'll come by when he gets chance," I replied. "Wanna go train?"
"Might as well,"
In the training room, we grabbed our bows and arrows. Carson closed her eyes and released an arrow. It hit the target. Bullseye. I'd taught her well, though she did have a natural talent for it like I had. Must be because of her Asgardian blood. After firing a few arrows, I helped her work on her powers.
First, fire. I made targets appear; Carson would make balls of fire and throw them at the targets. Since she'd practiced at hydra as well, she did wonderful, hitting every target.
Next, water. She controlled where the water went, and had it take the shape of many underwater creatures: dolphins, fish, even mermaids.
Air. She summoned enough air to make her fly, she sharply turned when I told her a new direction and could slow herself or speed up in seconds.
Then, earth. She made all sorts of vines appear, spreading around the room. She opened her palm and a flower grew.
Lightening was next. She harnessed the bolts and made them hit the targets, she did it perfectly, but I could tell it took a lot of concentration.
Finally, we worked on ice. Apparently, this was the one she hadn't really practised much. She managed to form ice and morph it into sharp pieces of ice, but it took a lot more concentration. I knew she'd learn though
I congratulated her, she was doing great, and left. I invited her to join me in the kitchen, but she said she was going to the sports room. We parted ways.

Carson p.o.v 
I watched Peter as he was playing basketball by himself. He looked really cute. I hate crushes. He threw the ball and it went straight in.
"And the crowd goes wild, even though Peter is only winning against himself!" I announced, makings him turn and face me.
"Alright, best trick shots, you in?"
"Of course," I smirked.
I stepped back. "Ladies first,"
Peter chuckled but went anyway. He started off simple, so I had to, we had to match each others shot. We got to shot eight.
"You know," Peter started. "If you back out now I won't say anything word," 
I snorted. "Funny, I was just about to tell you the exact same thing,"
Peter took his shot...and missed. I laughed as Peter groaned.
"So if I make the shot you couldn't do, I win?" I already knew the answer, I just wanted him to say it.
"Yes," Peter mumbled. I copied Peter's shot...and it went in! I won!
"Well played," Peter complimented. I felt my face heat up.
"You're a worthy opponent I guess," I replied, fighting against the blush. I looked up at Peter, who was only about a metre away. He looked at me. Suddenly, the world seemed to disappear as we stared at each other, neither of us daring to break eye-contact.

Peter p.o.v
I was just staring into Car's gorgeous brown eyes as she stared back into mine. I found myself getting lost in them, as I thought back to the conversation I'd had with Wanda only a few hours ago.


"Hey Wanda,"
"Hi Peter, what is it?" 
I looked at her confused.
"How did you...?"
"I can read your mind, remember, I know you want to talk to me about something,"
"Well, there's a girl," I started. Wanda smiled, knowingly. I blushed.
I nodded. Wanda squealed. Oh no, she's gonna lose it.
"Peter that's great!"
"Minus the fact some of you guys are going to want to kill me just for asking her out,"
Wanda nodded.
"But if Carson likes you back, you know she'll stop them, you just have to find a sign, she always has a way of telling us something without actually telling us,"
I grinned.
"Thanks Wanda,"
"Anytime Peter,"

*end of flashback*

I realised I was leaning in, but just as I was about to pull away, she started leaning in too, was this the sign? Only one way to find out. I closed the gap.

A/n- A CARTER MOMENT PEOPLE! The ship has officially sailed. Hope you all love the new chapter

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