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Tony p.o.v 
Carson was with Loki, I didn't like it but Carson had wanted to go. My head was still trying to work it all out. I always knew that her real father was out there somewhere, but I didn't think it would be the guy that tried to kill me about five times.
"Hey, Tony where's cientistas malucos?" Bruce asked as he entered the lab. 
", doing something...with someone...someplace that's not here," I answered. Bruce eyed me warily.
"Tony," he said calmly. "What did you do?"
"Well, technically, I was against it but Carson wanted to and she was very determined, and you know how she gets when she's determined,"
"Alright then, what did Carson do?"
I gulped. "She, er, she went to," I panicked. "ASGARD! She went to Asgard,"
"Asgard blew up, I know, I was there," Bruce pointed out. "I'm gonna ask you again, where is Carson?"
"Fine, she's with...Loki," I finally admitted.

Scott p.o.v
Was that...Bruce? He never yells. I rushed out of my room and went to the lab, the others seemingly having the same idea.
"What's wrong?" Sam asked. Bruce was actually glaring at Tony, his ears and veins were turning green. 
"For the record, this was not my fault," Tony said, holding his hands in the air. While Natasha went to calm Bruce down, the rest of us rounded up on Tony. I noticed butterfly...wasn't there.
"Where's butterfly?" I asked. Tony gulped and Wanda's eyes widened.
"That's why...?" She trailed off, indicating to Bruce.
"Wait, you know?" Tony asked, confused. Wanda nodded.
"She needed someone to talk to, a sister, not father," she added, as Tony opened his mouth.
"Hold on," Clint said. "Know what?"
Wanda sighed. "котенок is with Loki,"
That is when all hell broke loose.

Loki p.o.v
I held Carson in my arms. I couldn't believe that all that time, my daughter was being hurt by her own mother. If Stark hadn't adopted her, who knows...
"It's alright," I whispered. "She's never going to hurt you again,"
I meant it, I wanted to be in her life. She had Stark as her father, I wouldn't try to take him away from her, I couldn't do that to her. But I wanted to be someone who she trusted, and would be comfortable enough to come to when she needed to.

Carson p.o.v 
I pulled away from Loki. I had to get going.
"I have to go back to the tower, but we'll be back in three days, so I'll see you then?"
Loki nodded. I smiled and hugged him again, before taking off and going into the quinjet. I flew back to tell tower.
"CARSON CLEO STARK!" Dad, mom, Wanda you had one job. I looked innocently at Uncle Steve.
"STEVEN GRANT (i think that's his middle name) ROGERS!"
Uncle Steve looked confused. "Why are you yelling at me, you're the one who went to see Loki alone, you should know better," he scolded. I frowned.
"Uncle Steve, I'm fine, look, and I knew he wouldn't hurt me,"
"What if you were wrong?"
"Well I wasn't and I had to go alone because if I went with one of you, Loki probably wouldn't have spoken much, I needed answers,"
"Well it was stupid, Pepper, why aren't you grounding her?"
"Because I knew," mom said. "I knew she was going and I trusted her to handle herself, which she did,"
"Well I can't trust her to handle herself if she's going to do stupid things like this,"
"Hold on," I interrupted. "You've known me for nine years, you should trust that I knew what I was doing, besides, I've spoken to him before, remember? And I think I know him a lot better than you do,"
"I did trust you, but then this happened,"
I looked at uncle Thor. "Uncle Thor, back me up here, tell them Loki wouldn't have hurt me,"
Uncle Thor spoke to Uncle Steve. "I may not know Loki as well as I would like too any more, but I know he wouldn't have hurt Carson, even he is rather fond of her. He has been trying to redeem himself,"
But Uncle Steve glared at me, I glared back, making his intense gaze waver.
"Fine, you don't trust me, that's up to you, later Rogers,"
I went up to my room and slammed the door shut. A hand covered my mouth, I struggled, but I felt a sharp poke in my side. I became sleepy and despite my attempts to stay awake, darkness soon consumed me.

Steve p.o.v
I felt awful, Carson had been up in her room for hours. I'd calmed down and was ready to apologise a hundred times if I had to. I knocked on her door.
"Hey doll, it's me," I called gently. "I'm sorry for saying that I didn't trust you, I was just so worried. I trust you doll, more than anyone else," I said. "Well, except maybe Bucky," I added, hoping to make her laugh. Silence.
"Doll?" I asked, opening the door, empty, Carson was gone. A note lay on the floor, I picked it up.
'Dearest avengers 
We have the girl and you're not getting her back. You shouldn't have crossed us. Cut off one, two more shall take its place.
Hagel hydra'
'No' I thought. 'Hydra, they're gone, this must be a prank, but Carson wouldn't scare us like this,'
"GUYS, COME QUICK!" I yelled.

Wildchild *book two*Where stories live. Discover now