Butterfly with a small arrow

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Carson p.o.v
I groaned as I came too. My eyes widened when I remembered what had happened and bolted up. Or, I tried to, I was strapped down to a table. I growled in annoyance.
"Relax, Carson, or should I say, iron girl," a voice said. I strained to see the speaker, but it was far too dark. "You must be wondering where you are,"
"That's one of the things I'm wondering, that's for sure, but let's answer that one first," my voice was slightly weaker than normal.
"Well, iron girl, you are in a secret bunker, in Rome,"
"Who are you?" I demanded. I could almost feel the man smirk.
"Well, fräulein, cut off one, two more shall take its place,"
I paled. No. Freaking. Way.
The man walked closer, I could see him now. On his jackets shoulder, was the red octopus. Hydra was alive.
"Why am I here?" I snapped. 
"Because you, fräulein, are going to be the next hydra soilder," he replied, menacingly. Sh*t!

Steve p.o.v 
This was all my fault. If I hadn't acted out, Carson wouldn't have gone into her room and we might have found out about the hydra agent. Now she was...gone. I wasn't the only one freaking out.
Tony was trying to calm down Pepper, while barely staying calm himself. Bruce's ears were still green and Nat was distracting herself by trying to keep the Hulk contained. Thor was pacing the room, so was Bucky. Wanda and Peter were sitting on Carson's bed, heads in their hands. Clint was leaning against a wall, staring at the ground, so were Scott (Cassie had gone home) and Sam. Vision was standing next to the bed, sadness in his eyes. Rhodes stood besides Tony, just staring at wall, Happy copying. We were all so distraught. She meant so much to us and because of me, she wasn't here anymore.
"It's not your fault," Wanda said. I scoffed.
"I'm the reason she came up here, if I hadn't upset her...,"
"Hydra would have waited until she came up, she'd only have been taken later," Wanda interrupted. I closed my eyes and thought logically, she was right. But I still felt responsible.
"Look, I don't care who's fault it is, we need to get Carson back," Tony said, determined, but I could see the fear in his eyes, he was afraid of losing Carson. But so were we.

*three months later*

Clint p.o.v
"Three months, three months and nothing, not a trace of her!" Tony yelled. I ignored him, I knew it had been three months, three very long months. Tony had been yelling since week one. He was worried and scared, but it was no different from the rest of us. The amount of times Wanda had to knock Bruce out with her powers so Hulk didn't come out, I lost track at twelve.
Bucky entered the room.
"Guys, I found her," 
We all hurried over, eager.
Bucky looked very pale and upset.
"Do you remember how I was after Hydra?"
We nodded, remembering quite clearly. Why was he...? No, they didn't. Bucky saw the look on my face and nodded.
"They've turned her into a soilder," Bucky said, his voice heartbroken. "No kills yet, but many civilians have been injured,"
"What happened?" Asked Tasha. Bucky took a deep breath.
"In London, a bomb went off near a lot of civilians, some injuries were nearly fatal,"
"How do we know it's her?" Sam asked. Bucky turned the tablet he was holding around. It showed an image that had been burnt into the remains of a house. A butterfly with a small arrow through one wing.
"Butterfly," Scott and Sam whispered.
"Little arrow," Vision and I muttered. 
There was writing next to the symbol too. It read.
                              der Teufel
"The devil," Tony mumbled. Hydra had taken our nicknames for Carson and used them as her hydra name and symbol. They. Will. Pay.

The devil p.o.v
"Gute Arbeit Soldat," my 'discipliner' said. He nodded his head, indicating for me to leave. I breathed out in relief when I entered my bathroom. No one had died thank goodness. I hated working with Hydra, I wanted to go home. I remembered, their mind wiping machine had failed, but Uncle Buck had told me about Hydra, I knew better than to let them know I was still me.
My fingers twitched as flickers appeared. I stared at my reflection, stared at the monster Hydra had turned me into. Was this how Uncle Bruce, Uncle Buck and Wanda felt? I hoped it wouldn't be long before I could ask.

Gute Arbeit Soldat, good work soldier

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