Week 4 Part 3 (Tuesday and Wednesday)

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     At seven in the morning, there's a contemporary private once again. I have no idea what to think. I was at the center of the group dance and we won the whole competition. So does that mean I will be on the top? Have I redeemed myself?

     Lilliana, you'll never be on top because you're fat. Don't think such foolish things. I haven't eaten breakfast at least, claiming I don't feel the greatest. Mom seems to understand. She just has some coffee, so it looks like some days we won't be eating breakfast. Great.

     I'm going to try to get away with not having lunch today either. It's another ham and cheese sandwich. But I didn't eat lunch yesterday, and nothing happened. Maybe I should try to eat to fit in? No, Lilliana. You can't eat that. Are you serious? The voice is right but Brady will become even more suspicious. Maybe I should try to ignore the voice. What will happen if I don't follow the instructions? I'm still not going to eat all of it, but maybe half of it. Maybe just a bite.

     For once, I'm not stressed about dance. When I dance, believe it or not, it's an escape. Besides, we won the group dance and Mom didn't cause any unnecessary drama with anybody. But everybody's replaceable. And I have a feeling that someone will be replaced very soon. Maybe GiaNina. Ms. Abby is definitely still mad at her. No question needed.

     All the moms and kids line up for the pyramid. I don't think I got bottom for once. But I don't think I got to the top. That was a one-time thing, Lilliana. You'll never be on the top again. Ms. Abby wheels in. She doesn't look pleased. I take notice that she has a plastic lunchbox with the words BAD BITCH FUEL on it. But that's not important.

     "Alright," Ms. Abby starts, clapping her hands once to gain our attention. "So... 'Thoughts and Prayers' was the overall high score winner. Whoo-whoo!"

     We all put on big grins and clap and cheer and whoop. That dance meant a lot to Ms. Abby. That dance could have cost us respect in the dance world. But we won the whole competition. We have another win under our belt.

     "We had two solos perform- GiaNina and Hannah. We had second place, and then we had fourth. Looks bad. It looks really bad," Ms. Abby stated, claiming that this was a dysfunctional dance team.

     Wait, was Brady's dance cut? Why would they do that? He won first and that dance had such a powerful meaning to him! Is reality television obsessed with drama that much?

     "You know what looks bad, Ms. Abby?" GiaNina's mom begins. Oh, brother. "When you have the parents in the fitting room attacking like a bunch of wolves at me and at my kid two minutes before we go on stage." Uh, oh. Trouble is cooking.

     "That's not what happened," Pressley's mom interjects, intentionally instigating a fight between GiaNina's mom and her.

     "Ashley, my kid went in there. She was ready to do her routine. You want to change my words around," GiaNina's mom starts claiming before Pressley's mom intervenes with, "Wrong."

     Unfazed, GiaNina's mom continues her little defending speech, "There is dressing room etiquette."

     Ms. Abby is lost in all of this commotion between the two.

     "So you're saying that-" Pressley's mom begins before GiaNina's mom interrupts.

     "There is a time and a place, Ashley, for all of this!"

     "Yeah. And you got involved in it too," Pressley's mom fights.

     Can this just be over, please? I just have to stare at the mirrors. I can't look behind me. Mom can't help me.

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