Week 13 Part 2 (Monday)

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     Our alarm goes off at three in the morning. Ugh. I can already hear my stomach grumbling, but today I'll be fasting. Maybe I'll just decline airline food. I hope I don't offend the flight attendants, though.

     "We have to bring our bags downstairs. Mom and Stacey are going to be downstairs in half an hour," Pressley groans.

     "Great, we can sleep more," I whine, falling out of my bed, still a log on the floor.

     I reach up for a hair tie and pull my hair in a ponytail, still laying on the floor. Pressley stumbles to my bed and helps me up. We lean on each other as we walk to the bathroom so we can brush out our hair and our teeth.

     "I'm so tired. I hope they have some caffeinated item in the lobby," Pressley complains.

     "You're only eleven," I groan, splashing my face with water, becoming a bit more alive.

     "I know. Let's get our bags downstairs. Mom is waiting downstairs. Your mom is still getting ready," Pressley says.

     "Ugh," I groan, stumbling back to get my bags, packing up my medicine.

     "I'm going to miss the UK," Pressley sighs, grabbing her bags.

     "Me too," I agree, gripping my bags in my hands, feeling weak holding them.

     "Goodbye London!" we both whisper-shout as we exit the hotel room for the last time.

     I drag my bags on the floor as we walk down the hall for the first time. We press the elevator button, and Tricia and Brady are also there. Pressley immediately lights up as we enter the elevator. God, she's head over heels.

     "How are you guys feeling?" Tricia asks, and I try to seem more awake.

     "A little sad because we're leaving but I'm glad to be dancing tomorrow," I reply, keeping my head down.

     "I'm excited about the plane. All of us are on the same plane!" Pressley exclaims, all of a sudden being her normal cheery self.

     "I call sitting next to you. You're the one that's gonna keep me awake when we're not sleeping," Brady jokes, and Pressley laughs.

     "Why are our flights so early?" I complain as the elevator doors open.

     "Because we have to be there by five, because our flight is at six, and we land at four British time, so technically, we land at eleven in the morning in Pittsburgh," Tricia answers.

     "Which means that we only really have to sleep for a couple of hours so that we don't get too jet-lagged," I conclude.

     "Right," Brady confirms.

     When we go to the lobby, Tricia goes to check out Brady, and I see Gia and Hannah sleeping on a couch. Sarah is on her phone with some coffee, and all the moms are trying not to fall asleep, ordering Ubers at three-thirty in the morning. Mom shows up a couple of minutes later, but I go sit next to Sarah.

     "Coffee?" she offers, and I decline, "Nah, but I have a question. Seatmates?"

     "Oh my God, yes! I was worried I'd have to sit with my mom!" Sarah scoffs.

     I watch some Tik Tok on her phone, yawning constantly. About fifteen minutes later, me and Sarah's Uber arrive, and I try my best to stay awake. I can tell the Uber driver is also very tired, and so is Michelle, and Mom. Dear God, everybody here needs some Starbucks.

     I continue to watch TikTok on my phone while we drive. It's not too long to the airport, only about ten minutes, so time seems to pass by quickly. Before I know it, we arrive at the airport.

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