Week 10 Part 1 (Sunday)

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     "Lilly, wake up, sweetie. We're back," I hear someone say and I slowly open my eyes to see Ms. Ashley is trying to wake me up.

     "I'm up. Sorry," I apologize, not knowing how long I was out.

     "Don't apologize. Your mother is waiting outside. Brady, your mom is waiting in the car. Press and Lilly, you're coming with me," Ms. Ashley reveals.

     "See you soon, Brady. Lilly, I think you're carpooling with me," Pressley says, and she gets out of her seat.

     I sleepily stumble out of my seat, gripping onto the velvet of the seats. Pressley takes my hand to stabilize me and we walk out of the coach bus. Ms. Abby nor Ms. Gianna aren't in sight. They must've gone home early. Mom picks me up and carries me to Ms. Ashley's car and I'm this close to falling asleep.

     Mom carries me to my bed and lets me sleep in my ALDC sweatshirt and leggings. Oh God has this been an eventful week. My secrets, well, most of them have been shared. I don't weigh myself tonight, nor cut myself. I'm too tired. But at least I didn't eat any food unlike the other girls, who had snacks in between competitions.


     Surprisingly, Mom lets me sleep in until eleven in the morning. For once, I've had a peaceful night. Maybe the perfect score will let me sleep. Maybe I've lost enough weight to please the urges. Who knows? I have 200 calories I can use today. You don't deserve the perfect score, Lilliana. You definitely messed up somewhere.

     Despite the depression wave crashing into, I'm feeling a little more confident about myself, so I change into some nicer clothes. A yellow flowy shirt, black and white checkered cropped Hambledon-style pants, and a pink headband. I put my hair into two dutch braids, and I take my meds a little late. That will be fine, right?

     "Good morning, perfect scorer! Ms. Abby is going to be very pleased. Here, eat up. It's just a chill day before privates on Monday, so you're welcome to do anything you want today at home," Mom informs me and thankfully passes me a plain, unsalted egg.

      90 calories. Half my calories for secrets are not being spilled. It's worth it. I eat it up with no hesitation for once, still going slow before washing the plate and returning to my bed. I think about the other girls and Brady. They could have shared info, which will go to Ms. Abby and Mom, and then I'll need help. You can't not dance, Lilliana. You'll be nobody if you don't dance.

     I don't want to hang out with anybody today unless it's really important. My secrets have been shared, and I'm scared that somebody is going to snitch. It's better to hide than rather people ask me questions, and my web of lies is collapsing in front of my eyes.

     After a bit of watching YouTube, suddenly not feeling any motivation to do anything productive with my life, I get a text from Pressley.

     Pressley: wanna come over? I got slime

     "Mom, can I go over to Pressley's? She has slime," I shout.

     "She's welcome to come over here with the slime if you want but you're not going over," Mom shouts back, and I groan to myself.

     Lilly: u can come over here but mom won't let me come over

     Pressley: be there in 5

    Pressley isn't even going to show up, Lilliana. She's not going to come because she hates you and she's only hanging out with you because it's obvious that she likes Brady, and Brady is worried about you.

     I still anxiously wait in my room to see Pressley show up five minutes later as she promised. We give each other a quick hug before starting to get ready on this make-your-own slime. At least Pressley brings glue and contact lens solution because that's the two things my apartment doesn't have. We retrieve some cornstarch from the kitchen and some food coloring and start to make some slime.

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