Week 12 Part 2 (Monday)

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     I hear my alarm and I feel very unmotivated to get up, turning in my bed. The nightmares were bad last night and all I want to do is go back to a peaceful sleep. One without nightmares constantly.

     "How did you sleep?" Pressley asks as she climbs down to my bunk.

     "Honestly, awful. Like, constant nightmares," I chuckle, sitting up to retrieve the remote so we can watch more of The Great British Baking Show.

     "Aw, I'm sorry. Were the nightmare the 'demons?'" Pressley pouts, putting her head on my shoulder.

     "Yeah but it's okay. It's not your fault," I reply and we lean back onto the wall to finish watching the finale of The Great British Baking Show. Edd Kimber's petit fours beat Ruth's, and Edd is crowned the winner.

     "How many seasons of this can we watch?" Pressley asks, and I decide to do some sleuthing.

     "It looks like there are nine completed seasons, and season ten will be airing in August," I inform her, and she smiles.

     "Well, we have eight seasons left to watch!" Pressley says, starting the second season.

     Midway through the cake episode, where they are making their coffee and walnut battenbergs, Mom and Ms. Ashley surprise us by bringing us Dunkin'. A glazed donut and an egg, cheese, and bacon sandwich. The glazed donut is 240 calories. The sandwich is 490 calories. Way too much.

     Pressley eats hers, and keeps side-eyeing me as we watch the cakes being made. I pick at mine, refusing to eat any.

     "Lilly, I know you're not going to eat any, but can you try?" Pressley pleads, and I look down, shaking my head no.

     "I can't," I whisper, thinking about all the pounds I'll gain if I eat this.

     Pressley sighs in defeat, and we finish watching up to the quiche episode until we get ready, dressing in our ALDC merch. Today is Pretty in Pink day, but basically all day we have a meet and greet so we only get to flaunt our actual outfits in the time it takes us to find a pizza place that the others will eat at from where we go back to the hotel.

     I end up taking a bite of the sandwich begrudgingly after taking off the bagel, wasting fifty calories out of my two-hundred-fifty today. At least it's not technically a sandwich, since I took off the bagel portion.

     "Girls! Time to go! Lilly, your mom told me to tell you to take your medicine!" Ms. Ashley yells, and I yell back, "Thank you!"

     I fish through my bags until I find my Fluoxetine and Cymbalta, guzzling it down concerningly fast. I grab my phone and my Pretty in Pink outfit and rush out of the room, getting a sudden burst of panic-filled energy.

     "Lilly, slow down," Pressley gasps, running out of breath as she tries to keep up.

     "I don't want to be late," I state, pressing the down button on the elevator.

     "Lilly, calm down. We're not going to be late. Breathe," Pressley tries to convince me, and I take a big breath.

     "Ok. Ok," I convince myself, fiddling with my fingers to try to contain my anxiety.

     "I can't wait to have the next two days off!" Hannah exclaims, leaning onto the lobby couches as Pressley and I approach the lobby.

     "I would think we'd never get more than a day off!" Sarah adds, and I plop down next to Sarah.

     "I heard we have over 500 people and we're going to have to do two different photo-ops, one before and one after the dances and mock auditions, so this is going to be like all day," Brady announces, and we all get a bit excited for the 500 people.

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