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"Hey, wake up"

The blond shrimp greet her, a girl who's sleeping on the Riverside peacefully. It's already past midnight, but maybe it's her luck because no one disturb her peaceful nap time

She stirred a little and try to adjust her own eyes to see who is waiting for her to open her eyes completely

"Who...?" She say as her hair tangled a little because of her own movement when she was unconscious
"Oi, mikey. Are you sure that's the right person?" Draken ask harshly but deep down he's worried about him. Not him, actually...

"Yes, I'm sure it is her. She's the one who took away my motor's key" he point his finger toward her palm that's gripping a key with a taiyaki's keychain on it


A few hours ago...

"Then, bye bye !!" Everyone shout to each other while some of them even wave toward (y/n). She just smile and reply their wave with a smile. Takemichi and hinata who enrolled in the same school as hers, respect her for standing up for someone who she doesn't know and that's naoto

(Y/n) always help takemichi's friends with homework, some argument even about kiyomasa, they told her about it. Sometimes, she would bring a first aid kit for them or some food for them

In conclusion, she's what every parents and students want

"Bye bye !" Hinata cheered to (y/n) with a beam of smile and she just smile back. Walking outside, she walk slowly.

Step by step, her aura darkened. But her thought was cut off when she accidentally bump into someone

But all that she did was apologized and take back what's fall from her bag without give a single glance toward it

The person also did the same and take their belonging that fall on the grass

Arriving at her home, she try to insert the key but-

"Isn't this is....

"Mikey... Are you sure that's your key?" Draken ask as he already wait for the captain to go to the toman's meeting

"What are you talking about, kenchin? This is literally mi-
Wait" he paused for a moment. The keychain is the same as his but the Key's shape can't fit with his motor's Key's holder

"This is an apartment's key !!"
"This is a motorcycle's key !!"

They both screamed in unison as one of them are so sleepy and can't wait to sleep on the bed

While the other one already too late to join an important meeting

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