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"Let's go, japan!!" Akuta cheer right after she land her foot on Japan's ground. Her partner sigh as he scratch his head. "This is my first time here. Show me around whenever you are free" Charles, a blond male that akuta fall in love with when she is helping (y/n) at united state. They fall in love and soon, they would be married. But they delayed the marriage because they want (y/n) to marry first before them

"Let's go to our new headquarters" (y/n) say as she end the call that she received from the presentative of japan police department, telling her that their headquarters is in the middle of tokyo. Lucky for them, they are in tokyo. Walking through the city make both of the girls washed by a feeling called nostalgic. Charles look at his surrounded and sometimes mesmerized by the scenery

"We're here" (y/n) say as those guards that are guarding the building, welcomed three of them warmly. "What building is this?" Akuta ask the guard as she point her finger toward the building right beside their headquarters. Their size is the same as the headquarters. "That's tokyo manji gang's headquarters" the documents that (y/n) had been holding till now, accidentally slip from her grip and make it scattered. "Toman..?" The guard nod their head as they gathered those documents, and give it back to (y/n)

"Welcome back, (y/n)" all of the japan police officer bow their head as she finally arrive at her own office. She nod her head and dismissed everyone except charles and akuta, to have her own time without being disturb. "(Y/n), your eye patched. It's visible to us" akuta interrupted.

As fast as she could she pull her hair to cover half of her face, typically to hide her blind right eye. The incident where yashiro stabbed (y/n)'s right eye gave a big impact on akuta. She pity her commander who is really young yet she need to shoulder a big responsibility. She didn't have a chance to feel what it is to be a young woman.

"What's wrong?" Charles stare at his commander and his lover. "I tried to call him a week before we return here. But i heard that he have marriage coming up" akuta slam the table. "No way!! He promised to you that he would be with you, right?" (Y/n) nod her head

"No use in whining. Let's go have a lunch, there" charles point his finger toward a cafe while drooling a little. "Charles, manners!" (Y/n) giggle and invite them to go there, her treat

"I want this!" Charles shout. Akuta sigh as she smile a little at her beloved goofy boyfriend. (Y/n) quietly stare at the front door while waiting for her order to come. Once someone enter the cafe, the bell would be ringing, notified the staff


"Welcome!" One of the staff shout as she prepare a table for a couple that just enter the cafe. Slowly, her lazy gaze turn into a wide one. Her mouth went agape, her tears start to prickle up.

Black haired, nape decorated by a big dragon tattoo. White haired, white dress. It's sano manjiro and yashiro kamisaka

Clinging their arms to each other

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