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"Mikey?" His eyes snap open, glancing toward the worried girl who is staring at him ever since he receive the taiyaki that draken bought for them just now

"Ah.. I'm sorry emma. It's just.." His words trails off and he sigh. It's a rare sight to see mikey, sighing and worrying about someone. Who could that be she guess

"(Y/n)?" Emma mention the girl's name, though she only saw her last week when mikey was walking with her. She never greet (y/n), to be honest.

His eyes widen and she swear she saw a tint of pink on his fluffy cheeks. Emma's lips slowly turn into a smirk

"Ehehehehe you have a crush on her or what?" Emma says as she grip her half brother's shoulder teasingly and he swear he saw her excited state, waiting for his response

"It's..." Draken who is lying beside him smirk and rose up instantly, noticing that bestfriend's crush just walk past them.

"Oi, mikey. Isn't that.." He point his finger toward the girl with black attire as she walk slowly, gaze lowered as usual

Mikey's eyes widen. After their meeting at the hospital three days ago, she avoided him at all cost. The reason?

He doesn't know

Standing up instantly, he chase the girl. Emma and draken follow him too.

"(Y/n)!" Those three shout simultaneously.

The girl jolt and stop walking, turning her head toward those three

Her eyes consumed everything. Her gaze doesn't change but the way she faking her expression, like a pro. "Mikey, draken, emma!" She say with her energetic voice

"Whose funeral?" Mikey know that he's kinda straight to the point. But he can't bring himself to watch his loved one hurt and holding her tears, right in front of him

Her gaze widen and she tighten her grip on the banquet of flowers that she is bringing. Emma's gaze dart toward her grip, noticing it's Yellow Rose

Yellow Rose resembles friendship

"It's.. Riina's" her smile faded away but her tears won't come out. Because of her habit of keeping a wall between herself with others, she forgot how to cry

Mikey notice that and pull her into a hug, hoping that she would destroy the wall by her own. She grip the blonde's clothes tightly, and just stay like that for a few moments

After a few hours, she stop trembling and hearing snoring sound. Those three gaze at her and smile

she's sleeping soundly

"I'll bring her to her home. Emma, tell grandpa i won't be home. Draken, told everyone tomorrow we would have a meeting."

"Roger, dear leader" those two say mockingly but deep down those two doesn't want to disturb Mikey and (y/n)'s moments

And they go to do their task, assigned by the leader of toman

"Geez, (y/n). Stop moving for God's sake." He smile and won't release her from his grip as he slowly bring her toward her apartment.

Suddenly he saw a jingling thing poking out from her pocket.

It's the taiyaki keychain, which is similar to his

And he remember a certain girl who have the same keychain as hers and his

By the time they arrive at the apartment, she already have enough sleep and she is wide awake, same as his

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Mikey ask as he sit beside her, waiting for her response

"Riina.. Woke up two days ago. A day after our encounter at the hospital" Mikey lend his ear and focus only on her

"She say she want to meet you but she can't leave the hospital since she is alive because of some machine at the hospital. And she ask me to bring you to her

And yesterday i was planning to do so but..
Kimura, my twin stop me. Saying that he doesn't want riina to meet you because you're toman's leader

Riina scare of delinquent. But I'm sure that she won't scare of you. Yet, i didn't bring you to her and say that you're sick

And today...

Someone turn off the machine deliberately "

Mikey's eyes widen upon hearing the story. Who could done that?

"After that, i quietly do some fingerprints investigation by cutting the wire plate. By doing so, my father thought that the culprit also cut the wire plate"

Mikey's inch closer, excited to know what's next. And she smile, upon seeing his curiosity

"And the culprit is Ao, my youngest brother"

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