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A girl with a petit build climb the stair as she arrive at an empty shrine, slowly she go beside the shrine and saw the teddy bear that had been discarded by someone. Slowly she raise the ball that she's holding and say toward the Teddy bear "wanna play?"

The whited haired girl follow the boys that's climbing up the stairs while panting. She doesn't have a lot of stamina after all. As she arrived there, the scenery make her gasp a little and all of the boys scattered away to play something that catch their attention. Only a blonde boy was left behind with her, alone

"Umm, mikey i have something to tell you" she say as she slowly approach the boy. The boy hum and lick his lollipop a little " I like-


Thumping sound was heard beside them and they saw a ball that's bouncing. "Ball!!" An unknown girl shout as she sprint toward the ball without being exhausted. Taking the ball back, she just realise that she interrupted some important scene for this book

"I'm sorry" she mumble and try to run away but her action was halted when the boy suddenly grip her wrist. "Let's play the ball together!" They play it together and she is unexpectedly good in the game. And the white haired girl was treated like wind.

"(Y/n)" she say as she shake the boy's hand. "Mikey" the boy reply and do the same. "Oi you guys, let's go already. It's already late!" A black haired boy with fang shout and they left the spot together. "Yashiro, hurry up!" Kazutora shout but she shake her head

"I'm waiting for mikey. You guys can go" she say and wait for the male to say his goodbye toward (y/n) "bye bye!" He shout and leave her. She won't stop smiling and continue her waving session till the boy is out of her own sight.


Yashiro throw her vase harshly as she grip her hair. "Shiro, what's wrong?" Her twin interrupted her as she hug a teddy bear "don't call me by that name" she say. Akuta stare at her for a few moment and sigh. 'Something happened between her and mikey'

Akuta approach her twin and pull her collars harshly. "Snap out of it. He doesn't like you at all." Akuta say without mercy. Upon seeing her twin's starting to tear up, she release her collar and back away. "Stop your obsessive action right now." Akuta spit with disgust in her voice

The next day, yashiro come a little bit later than usual and what she see is a disgusting scenery for her. (Y/n) being swarmed by all of the boys as she tell them about her fighting style. "What are you guys doing?" Her voice interrupted them

"She's telling us about herself. It's interesting!" Pah chin cheer happily. His joy is unobtainable. The girl back away a little "you can join us!" (Y/n) say but yashiro reply with a shout "shut up!" And she run away.

Accidentally, she bump with someone who is buying some medical aids. "Sorry!" She say as she gathered those items with ease. "No it's okay" the boy say as he gather those items along with her. Finishing their job, the boy thanked her. "Thank you" yashiro stare at him for a moment "ah, kimura is my name. Yours?" He ask politely. "Yashiro..." Suddenly, his phone buzz

"What is it? Ha? Of course I'm currently on my way back! Yeah yeah I'm coming!" He say angrily toward the phone. "I'm sorry, i need to go" he say and bow a little

"Who's hurting right now?" Yashiro's sudden question make Kimura's step halt and he smile. "My twin, she forced herself to trained since she gonna be the next commander of the police in charged when my dad died" yashiro stare at the boy, disbelief yet his own orbs tell her otherwise. He's spitting the truth-!


"(Y/n)!!!" She shout as her voice covered with anger. She raise the metal pipe along with the knife high enough, just to hurt the girl who is currently carrying manjiro. "Akuta, catch!" (Y/n)'s sudden action, pushing mikey toward akuta making the twintail girl's shout a little "woah, hey! He's a human-

Her words stop upong seeing what have her own twin done toward her friend. The knife stab her right eye, the metal pipe already smack the girl's head hard enough to make her bleeding


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