#𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐱

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"I think she is there!" A feminine voice pointed her finger toward a dark alley. A girl who is wearing a baggy hoodie clicked her tongue and ran away from the police that keep shouting to her to stop running away.

'How could this happen-!'

Several days before..
"We are lucky enough to run away from those polices" charla, a blonde twirled haired woman say as she slid down the closed door. Her younger brother covered his eyes as he won't stop crying. The commander grit her teeth and slam the wall hard enough that could make her blood spill out from her palm. "(Y/n)! Don't lose yourself" charla say, she is commander's personal doctor and charles sister. Charla know that (y/n)'s mind kinda twisted whenever she is mad

"Please die" as those words left her plump lips, she shot through her twin's head without hesitation make the whole hall turn into a mess. "Freeze!" A swarmed of armored army entered the hall while holding a lot of gun, pointing to each of the person that attended the wedding. "Catch them and kill them" the white haired girl say. "Yashiro!" Draken shout as the white haired girl stop herself from walking away

"I will take over the japan police using American police" yashiro say as more people entered the hall, handcuffing each of them. Before one of the American police could handcuffed charles, he stand up as he abruptly smack the police face, making them fainted. Picking up his beloved wife - to be and ran away toward a secret base where his sister resided.

"Sister!" Glancing toward her brother's arm, she push a button making the building closed all of the door that could lead the outsiders into the secret base and their commander's room. "It's as commander expected" (y/n) already predicted that someone would take over her position and that's why she make a secret base to hide from them. The secret base is big enough to fit a lot of people. And she didn't predict all of toman and her coworkers to get caught

"What happen!" The commander open the secret base door with ease as she try to catch her breath. "Akuta.. She.." His lips quivered and fall when his knees buckled up as he sob and scream. (Y/n)'s eyes widen upon seeing the unconscious brunette. The brunette's situation kinda similar to...

Her beloved friend, riina

"Charla, i want to make something absurd" lucky for the commander, the basement is beside toman headquarters, where yashiro held captives all of her underlings along with toman's members. Pulling out a sniper, charla reach her hands toward her commander's wrist but halt upon seeing her commander's eyes that had been flood with killing intended

Aiming right to the room where mikey used to stay, she steadily searching for a white haired woman. Lucky for the commander, the woman is alone inside Mikey's room. Pulling the trigger, charla covered her brother's ears. And finally, the whited haired woman fall to the floor. She shot both of the white haired girl's ankle

Sprinting out of the secret basement, the commander use a secret route where mikey had showed to her before that lead her toward his room. Opening the door, she smack the white haired girl, making she fainted

"I'll make you regret by stealing away my preciouse treasure, yashiro" before the whited haired woman closed her eyes completely, she saw the way the commander held her gaze toward herself

Full of hatred and killing intended. A pair of eyes where only a psychotic person would held

Did she mess up with a yandere-?

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