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"Mikey, welcome!" Yashiro shout as she open the door wide enough. She's kinda happy knowing mikey came because she heard that mikey hate doing homework and he sleep throughout the school

"I'm gonna take some tea for us. My room is there" yashiro points her finger toward a room where mikey saw a curtain is covering the room.

Entering it, mikey was kinda surprise to see a lot of makeup and others thing that girls would have

Mikey walk into the room and sit beside a table that have a red rose on it. While sitting, he notice there is something wrong he This room feel empty. It's lonely here

"Sorry for making you wai-

Her words stop upon seeing mikey already fall asleep on the floor while hugging a keychain that's kinda similar to (y/n). Her eyes turn dark for a moment upon seeing those two have matching keychains

Sitting beside him right after she put on a blanket over his body, she sigh and drink her tea. Suddenly, mikey groan and frowning. That action make her feel worried and sad

'Is there anything that she could do?'

"(Y/n)..." Mikey mumbles and she stop breathing for a moment. Yashiro slowly grip her shirt.

'It's always her. Everyone always look at her. No one ever look at me-

"Yashiro-san!" A cheery voice interrupted her thought. Her own memories show a boy who look at her and only her, handing out an envelope. "Kimura.."

Yet she push him away, saying that Kimura isn't fit to be her partner. She didn't feel grateful even a little bit for Kimura even though his gaze won't leave her even once

Why can't she be grateful?

"Mikey..." Suddenly, she breathing hard. Her grip on the shirt tighten. Her body feel something unfamiliar yet she know what is this. It's the only feeling we have toward our loved one, lust

She grip Mikey's shirt and pull him closer. She hug him really tight, didn't plan on backing away at all. Mikey still frowning and groaning. His sleepy self trying to push her away even though he didn't open his eyes even a little bit

"I love you. I want to feel you inside me. Please touch me. Please look at me." She say and her hands went under his white shirt and she trace his abs seducely and she already lost her breath by touching his body

She pull him closer and stare at his lips for a few second. Inching closer, she stop breathing when their lips are only a few centimeters away

She lick his lips and kiss his lip roughly. While someone is quietly watching over them while trembling

'What have you done, yashiro-?!'

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