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"Mikey..?" Her eyes widen. All of her siblings gasp dramatically after seeing the toman's leader right in front of them

In a blink of eye, the guy already collapsed on the floor. Everyone froze on their spot as mikey raise his gaze

"Anyone who dare to hurt this girl once again, I won't hesitate to kill you" Suddenly she feel like someone is behind her and it is true

Draken is behind her, waiting for mikey. Once mikey turn to leave the school, (y/n) say her thanks toward him and he just reply

"Friend always protect others, right? Then, let's go kenchin !!" He cheer and left the school, leaving the student being dumbfounded

Before they could walk to their class, the siblings approach their oldest sister who is still watching her friend leaving the school, smile plastered all over her face

"Today, come back home" her twin say. Kimura, that's his name. She have a male twin, young sister and 2 young brothers.

She frown a little but nod. Knowing that's impossible to disobey her own twin

With that, they left to go to their own classes. As she arrive at her own class, the teacher already there. Instead of scolding her, the teacher praise her for being number one in the class

"Congratulations, dear (y/n) !! You got 100% in english exam. I'm proud of you. As expected of Tokyo Number one police inspector's daughter !!"

I hate that statement...

"Yes, thank you." She smile proudly as she take the paper and sit at her seat. And the class go on as usual right after the teacher done giving the student their paper

During lunchtime, a group of girls approach her table with smile. She just glance at them and ask them nicely, respectfully

"Can i help you?" The girls give her a letter, coloured pink. "What is this-

"Senpai, I love you!!" The girl who give the letter shout and the other two just smile, supporting their friend

"A- ah!! I'll give your answer soon. Let me think about it, okay?" She say as she take the letter and put it into her own bag. When those girls leave, she sigh quietly and her gaze darkened for a second but she try to not lose her cool when somebody yell her name

"Hina? What's wrong?" Hinata smile sweetly as she pull her hand softly. "Let's meet mikey-kun after school" she say. Remembering her twin's words, saying that he want her to be home today, she smile sadly

"Sorry, my parents want to meet me today" hinata frown a little and back away, it's a family's problem. She can't interfere

"Then, you'll walk with them?" Hinata is talking about (y/n)'s siblings. She just nod. Hinata slowly hold both of (y/n)'s hands and stare into her own orbs

"Don't push yourself too much, okay?" (Y/n) just want to spill her own tears but she can't. And hinata swear she saw a glisten of (y/n)'s pain inside her orbs

"Okay, hina"

And school finally end, (y/n) walks to the gate and saw her siblings, waiting for her arrival

"Sister, you're late !!" Shout the youngest of all, Ao "Ao, you can't blame her for that" Kuuto, the third of the siblings say as he sigh. "But, it's the truth" Miyaki say as she pout, the fourth of the siblings say. "Anyway let's go" finally, the young twin speak up, Kimura.

When they walk together, the oldest just keep her gaze on the road while the others keep talking to each other about today.

"Sister, i don't know that you're the friend of toman's leader" the twin say as he silently gaze at his twin

The others avert their gaze toward their sister and wait for her answer

"Well, that's bad" she say casually and leave them. They just glance at each other and follow their sister while they can't wait to see what gonna happen at home when their parents know that the oldest of the siblings befriended with a delinquent

"We're home !!" Ao shout as he run to hug mom and dad. They smile as they saw the others except, when their gaze dart toward the oldest, their smile gone

"Well then, (y/n). I expected you come here to give us some report about Tokyo manji gang. Or did you come here for another reason?" The mother spat as she awaited her first daughter's answer

"I don't know what're you talking about. I'm coming home because Kimura ask me to do so" she say, without a hint of respectful

"But, you befriended with sano manjirou, the toman's leader. Aren't you? Just now, some of my underling have been taken down by him" Miyuki say as she take off her shoes.

"Miyuki.." (Y/n) mumble her name as her blood boil abruptly.

"You know that we gonna take those delinquents into the jail and let them think about their action. Fighting and playing until late night. What do they think they are..." The father say as he frown.

And finally, she snapped

"You Guys Don't Know A Single Thing About Toman, So Shut The Fuck Up !!" All of them jolt, hearing the oldest shout

"They're better than you guys !! They doesn't leave a single thing that's precious to them !! You're far more worse than them. Leaving me with sick father. And doesn't give me a single money for my living...


she say, as anger fill her empty core. They stay quiet, too scare to move after seeing the girl letting out her frustration

"I think you need something to learn after all, dear (y/n)" her stepfather say as he slap her harshly and pull her forcefully into his room

And everything turn black

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