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Step by step, the white dress twirl along her. A black clothes, she gathers it inside her arm. Smiling, she hum a random melody and twirl again

An elegant woman

A beautiful step

Everyone could say that to her as she dance elegantly on the white yet plain floor. Her hair flew along her as her arm hold the black clothes' sleeves. "Let's show the world our dance, mikey"

Twirl and twirl, she laughing softly when the moon shone through the white window. "I love you izama~" she say as she kick a small doll that have a blonde hair and (e/c). Spinning again, she kick another doll that have (h/c) and black eyes as she say "I love you shin!"

She stop twirling as she pick a small doll that have brown low ponytail, holding another doll's arm that have blond hair and blue eyes. "I love you akuta, charles" she say as she throw the doll across the room

"I love everyone-!" She say as she release the black clothes from her grasp and twirl around as her hands do whatever pose that came into her mind

A blondie watch her act from a camera as she slump onto her chair "charla-san, you need to take a rest" charla shake her head and mumble "ever since mikey left her, she have changed. Her mental state went downward abruptly"

The girl in a white dress take the black clothes and hug it closed to her chest as she sing a random lyric "till death do us apart, mikey! We would be together for eternity!"

She shout as her dark eyes gaze to the camera that watch all of her act. Her creepy smile crept onto her face. Eyebags cover her eyelids, wrinkles cover her face. "Give mikey back!" In instant, charla shut down the camera as she trembles. "We need to kill her. She's beyond recovered-!"

This is a story where a pitiful girl fall in love with a boy that stole her heart. But didn't return it back and passed away along with it. She lost her heart, that's why she lost herself and start daydreaming about a pathetic happy ending. What a tragic yet beautiful story is this

"I love you, mikey"

Let the curtains fall, the show have reach their end


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