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She stay quietly at the shrine, alone. After hanma's arrival, all of the toman and meobius decide to leave, seeing hanma hurt and toman had been ordered to leave by mikey.

"What have i done..." She mumbles as she splash the water on her face. Sighing, she rub her temple slowly yet harshly. "I have caused a big problem on the first day" she crouch down and sighing, again

"Riina... What should i do?" Quietly, someone is watching over her behind those trees. Walking away from the shrine she keep pinching her forehead for doing such a thing in front of toman

"(Y/n)-!" Hearing those familiar shouting voice, she gaze toward the person.

It's Kimura, her twin. But something seems weird. He's sweating, some of his clothes burned

"Kimura what happened-?!" She shout as she made it in time to catch her twin from falling onto the floor with a loud thud

"Our house... It's..." He couldn't finish his words, instead the scenery finished it for him. The big house that she used to hate and stay at, was burning

"Where's everyone-?!" She want to run into the house but her step was halted by Kimura's grip on her shirt. "Everyone is.... They already..."

"Make a way! The patients need to get to the hospital as hurry as possible!!" The doctor shout as they carry five patients on the bed. Without coming closer, the girl already know who are those patients.

Its her own family.


The news spread like a wind. Upon hearing the news, mikey decide to visit her and her twin. They currently staying at her apartment that she own. Knowing where to go, mikey ride his CB250T toward her home

When mikey want to knock on the door, his fist halt upon hearing voices from inside.

"(Y/n)(l/n) you need to be the next police's leader. Onlu you can do so!" The female voice state the truth that (y/n) currently need to face

"If that could make Kimura live like a normal male, i will" upon hearing the familiar voice, mikey lean to the door

"But one exchange for making me the youngest leader in the history" Silent consume the apartment for a few minutes until she spoke up her mind

"Police can't do anything toward tokyo manji gang" those people gasp and they didn't satisfied with those exchange and say

"No-! Anyone who makes mistake need to be punish! Especially the gang!" The female shout.

"Or else i won't take this position" thinking for a while, the female sigh and nod.

Before mikey could knock once again, (y/n) mutter someone's name that make mikey halt once again

"Baji Keisuke, he always visit that one juvie to sent letter toward his old friend right?" Those police nod their head

"Let him enter and let them have a chat. No time limit" the police frowned

"Okay" and they leave her house and meet mikey, they just bow a little and leave

"(Y/n)!!" Mikey shout and she smile toward him. "Mikey!" She say and that catch her twin's attention

"(Y/n) is that mikey?" Forgetting about her twin, she hesitantly nod and scratch her nape. Scared that Kimura might start a fight with mikey

"Mikey, let us eat together " Kimura say toward mikey and that make those two froze

"Kimura...?" She ask as she tilt her head a little

"Shut up. I'm trying to be kind here" he say as she saw a little of pink tint on his cheek

She smile and pull mikey toward the dining table

Eating the food quietly but mikey won't stop staring at Kimura's twin

"Mikey, is there something you want to say?" She ask and mikey swallow his food and stare into her orbs

"Are you okay?" Upon hearing those three words, she didn't sad but she smile

"I already experience this before. Try to ask Kimura"

Before... She means during Riina..?

Kimura gulp his drink in instant and answer mikey with a sassy tone

"Yeah. I'm okay. They will be healed after a few months i guess" kimura state those lies while deep inside he know, that his family only have 0.3% chance of living

"Kimura, can i take away something from you for a while?" Kimura raise his eyebrows and twitch. What does he mean?

"I mean... I want to ask (y/n) out on a date!" Mikey pull her wrist and exit the house. Kimura sigh but deep down, he's happy knowing that his twin finally found her own happiness

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