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(F/n) (l/n) is an ordinary girl who have high IQ. Higher than those teachers in the kindergarten, making her become popular within second

But she hate that

Everyone respect her, adore her and many more. But she just want a thing that no one can provide for her

A friend

She know everyone would leave her once she fail or have a bad grade. That's why she keep doing her best, people keep praising her and give her presents

But she doesn't want that

"Hey, are you (y/n)?" A blue haired girl greet her who is reading a book. Raising her head slightly, nodding

"Let's be friend. My name is Riina"

Ever since that encounter, (y/n) always go out or stay at riina's place. Even though
(y/n) didn't know what to do with friend, Riina willingly teach her one by one.

Riina look at her as a normal girl, as a friend. Not as a clever nor popular girl.

And (y/n)'s family know about riina whereabouts in a day after noticing that
(y/n) always on her phone

(L/n) family is a police. The mother is the assistant for her second husband, the commander of tokyo police. In conclusion, he is the most highest in tokyo police

And because of that, the father investigate about riina, the girl who almost destroying his step daughter's reputation

Because of that, the father ask one of his underling to make riina stay away from
(y/n) and the father grant them permission to use any kind of method to do so

And on that day, that incident happened

"So, (y/n).. You want to be an informant? Isn't that cool?" Riina say while beaming a wide smile.

(Y/n) chuckles a little upon seeing her only friend excited state."what about you? "

Riina gaze at the sunset and smile "maybe i want to be a-



Riina..? Riina..? Blood.. There are blood... Everywhere.. I need to call ambulance.. What should i do..

"Riina !! Please wake up!! Anyone ! Anyone please help !!"

When riina finally arriving at the hospital, the doctor say she fall into a coma. It makes her sad knowing that

But how could the truck drive at the park? There's no way the truck can't be under control. It's Riverside we're talking about right now. There's no way it's an accident

And the news about riina spread like a breeze. The police say that the one who at fault is (y/n)

And the one who say that is her own step father, (f/n)

As riina's family know that, her family didn't allow (y/n) to visit their daughter even for a second, saying that she is a murderer

Because of that, (y/n) changed

Placing a banquet of flower in front of riina's door, she chuckles upon remembering Mikey's reaction after hearing her offers

"Riina, today i was eating with a boy named sano manjiro. He's a shrimp yet strong. I want you to meet him one day. So hurry up and open your eyes, riina" she touch the door and lean her forehead on it. A drop of tear was visible on her cheek.

As she turn away, she walk past a room. A room where reside a girl that was filled with bruised all over her body and it seems like she doesn't open her eyes almost for a week

"What a poor girl.." She mumbles. As she hear a footstep in front of her, she raise her head and her eyes went wide

"Mikey? Kenchin?" She says as those two were shocked as she is. Because they meet at the hospital. And they think of the same thing

Who does she/he visit at such a place...

"Who are you guys visiting?" (Y/n) ask as she tilt her head. And draken reply it with his finger, pointing toward the room that she just look at just now. Letting out an 'oh' mikey ask her

"And you?" Her eyes widen and bit her lip, replying quietly "my friend" Mikey and draken look at each other and doesn't ask her anything after that and start telling her about pah-chin's girlfriend

After hearing the story, her head tell her that she need to investigate about meobius in order to help toman.

But her thought were cut off when a parent come to them and talk bad about delinquent and it seems like they're this girl's parent

The parent start tearing up and their gaze avert to a girl who doesn't bowing like the boys

Their eyes widen again and shout "you're..! You're the one who murdered the blue haired girl!" The husband say as he tremble upon remembering the new about the blue haired girl had been hit by a truck, directly

(Y/n) tighten her grip on an empty bag, which she use to bring the flower that she just give riina.

Frowning while holding tears is hard but she get used to it. Staring at the floor is the only thing that she could do

"Even though you're the daughter of the police's commander, you need to be executed or else my daughter would be the next victim !" He say and his wife agreeing to him

"Sir, you're wrong. I'm not-

"Silence !! A girl who try to destroy everyone's dream can't live. You need to die ! My daughter always study till late at night to surpass you ! But she never succeeded to do so. It's all your fault !"

(Y/n) listen to his words one by one and mikey can't hold it anymore

"YOU DAMN OLD MAN !" He jump and almost punch the male's face. Luckily, draken hold his fist firmly

"Mikey ! Calm down !" Draken struggle to hold the boy down

"Kenchin, release me !! He keep talking about (y/n)'s bad side ! How about you talk about yours?! She hold her tears for all this time and yet you want to make her cry so she would look like a loser right in front of you? CUT THAT CRAP !" Mikey say as the parent leave them.

As mikey finally calm down. He turn his head toward the girl and smile, holding both of her cheeks

"His words.. Is a lie. Right?" He say as he is confident enough in his words. Draken and mikey wait for her answer patiently but she lowered her gaze and tighten her grip and she swear her palm already have blood on it

"It's... The truth"

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