#𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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"Uhh..." Akuta play with the hem of charles' shirt as he does the same to her. The leader of toman is glaring at those couple and they swear they could die if the leader could fire laser from his eyes

"We owe you an explanation, aren't we?" Akuta smile sheepishly as the black haired male await for their explanation. "ARGH! Screw that promise. I'm going to break it!" Akuta stand up and open her wardrobe harshly.

Right after (y/n) faint and cry while mumbling "I miss you". Akuta told mikey to bring her to his room and let her rest. And suddenly mikey decide to follow akuta and Charles until they arrive at akuta's room. How persistent he is, akuta couldn't explain it at all

"This medicine!" Akuta slam the medicine for those who have Insomnia onto the table. "She have insomnia. Because she keep seeing your picture and yashiro. TOGETHER" mikey frown and rise his eyebrow "where?"

"On the imternet you idiot!" Charles sigh as he slump against his chair. "Commander really is tired. She didn't have any strength to pull her pistol's trigger at all right after one of our subordinate show that picture." He massage his temple. "They look cute together. I think they're couple. Those are our subordinates' words while looking at those pictures." Akuta sit back on her chair

"Please don't get near sister anymore" mikey bite his lip and frown "why doesn't she believe me when i say i would only love her" akuta raise her head and frown even more than before. "Because she keep seeing nightmare where you kiss yashiro right in front of her. And then you felt guilty. To atone for that sin you..." She stop and glances at charles, asking his permission to say the next word. When he nod, she continues

"You kill yourself"


"Morning, darling~" mikey say as he touch her left cheek, smiling and nude. Lucky for him, his under parts were covered with blanket. He slept with her "WHA-" her words stop upon seeing his bare chest and down to his abs to his v-line-

"Where were you staring at, hmm~?" Mikey say as he caress some of her hair away from her face. Blushing, there is only one thing she could think of, hug him so he can't see her red face like a chilli sauce

"(Y/n)?" Mikey try to pull her away, but she tightened the hug. "No! Don't you dare to pull away!" Mikey smile sheepishly "but... You know.. I don't wear anything under the blanket." Pushing him as hard as she could, making him fall onto the floor harshly. "HOW COULD YOU-

Mikey chuckles as he wrap the blanket around his waist."I'm going to take a shower" he say as he closed the door. After a few minutes, he reopen the door while wet with water, making the commander of the police jolt

"Join me, (y/n)"

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