#𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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"Get married already" she say as she tidy up those documents she got from her coworkers. The couple stare at their commander while bribing to each other. The couple currently eating parfait which the commander receive from one of the CEO that want to marry with her. As usual, she decline the offer but the CEO insisted by giving the parfait.

Annoyed by the CEO, the commander smack his head using her gun and he passed out, making her coworkers froze seeing the action. "Can i take this?" Akuta ask as she hold the parfait. Frowning, (y/n) sigh and wave to her, signalling her to take it and eat it. And she didn't know that akuta was planning to bribe her lover inside her damn office. Poor single commander

"Is it okay tho? We're gonna married first before you" charles say as he lick his lip that have the Parfait's cream on it. "Just do it" akuta smile and point her finger toward her lover "Charles, now!!" Charles dial someone's number and say, "we're ready" with that, he end the call, making the commander confused. "What?"

"We already prepared for the marriage. And we're gonna do it today!!" (Y/n) stand up abruptly and ask them "where?" Akuta and charles smile "Here!!" They say in unison, making the commander slump on her seat. "Just go get ready already" with that, the couple leave the office to get ready. Everyone who knows the news get ready as fast as possible.

The commander accidentally fall asleep inside her office.


"Congratulations !!" Everyone cheered as they clap their hands toward the couple. Toman was also invited for the sudden yet pleasing wedding. Mikey who notice that their commander is nowhere to be seen, he decided to ask the groom "where's (y/n)?" Charles raise his eyebrow and finally know what she up to "i think she fall asleep. We don't want to disturb her" with that mikey nod his head and decide to not disturb her too

'She looks happy'

A white haired girl entered the building while wearing a white dress, adoring her twin who is currently laughing with her friends. Gritting her teeth, she pull out something from her pocket

'I'm jealous'

"Yashiro!" The bride cooed as she approach her beloved sister. The whited haired girl keep mumbling something. "Yashiro?"

Pointing her gun to the head of the bride, she smile and let a drop of tear roll down her cheek. "Please die"


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