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"They seems like they're having fun" Kimura sigh as he take away the dishes that (y/n) just use. When he was wiping the floor, he saw a device that's kinda similar to walkie talkie

"Are you there, agent 2?" The device suddenly let out a voice, making Kimura shrieks

"Ah anyway. They're heading to the amusement park. We gonna surround them and let our small leader hand the toman's leader to us"

Kimura drop the broom and dash toward the amusement park.

'Please be save'

"Ferris wheel!!" (Y/n) shout as she stare at the the big building. Mikey stare at her, kinda like to see her excited state

"(Y/n) do you like ferris wheel?" Mikey ask softly. She smile brightly and nod her head

"Riding it make me feel like I'm flying!!" She say as she twirl around

"Then let's ride it" mikey pull her hand and ride it in instant

Arriving at the top, she stare through the window and letting out satisfied gasp

"Mikey, we can see a whole tokyo!!" Mikey smile and nod. Slowly, he take out his phone and snap a picture

Luckily, she didn't notice it.

"That ride was a fun one!" Mikey slapped himself.

"Mikey?!" She shout as she approach the male. The slap... It's kinda hard

"Sorry, it's nothing. Really" Mikey say as he rub his own cheeks.

'How can i forgot about the legend?!'

The legend where a couple kiss each other on the top of the ferris wheel will stay together till death

Suddenly, electric got cut off. Everyone got panic a little and wondering why

Suddenly, someone pull (y/n) really harsh and she feel a knife pointed to her neck

"Don't move sano manjiro" the feminine voice that he heard at (y/n)'s house just now


"If you move, i wouldn't hesitate to cut her neck"

Without their realization, a male approach them at full speed while holding a metal pipe

And he smack the female's head as hard as he can. With that, (y/n) got a chance to run away

"Mikey, take (y/n) away from here, right now!" Kimura shout as he block the path that (y/n) and mikey gonna take to run away from the swarmed of polices

"Kimura, let's run away!" (Y/n) shout as she give out her hand for her twin to take and run away with her

Kimura smile and reach for his twin's hand. (Y/n) smile and ready to take his hand


He slap her hand away and shout "Mikey, take care of my sister!" With that, mikey pull (y/n) with him


And that's the last time (y/n) ever meet her twin for the rest of her life

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