#𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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"Let me go" she spat harshly, glaring at the black haired male who is smirking like a goat. Clicking her own tongue, she force her way passed him but her feet leave the ground once he lift her


"You're not going anywhere" he chirp while laughing, looking at the squirming girl. Deep down, she want to hug him, spin him around and tell him how much does she love him. But her head keep showing that image, where yashiro clinging to his arm and he doesn't show any effort to push her away. As if he want her to do so

"You have yashiro, right?" She say as she bite her lower lip quietly, to hold her tears. His laughing stop as he put her down. "You saw us that day, right?" She jolt, 'how did he know-? ' he lean on the wall and grip the tuxedo that have the same pattern as the dress that's currently hugging her feature.

"I saw you ran away while akuta try to calm you down. That blonde already felt bad enough for you, he buy you chocolate, right?" A tint of jealousy shown inside of his dark orbs. Sighing, she answer him. "he's Charles, akuta's lover" she say as she lean beside him, kinda want to talk with him longer

"Have you kiss someone beside me?"


"Sleep with?"

"Does anyone ever take your virginity?"

"Commander!!" Akuta's voice echoed throughout the shop as she run toward the changing room. Seeing the knob suddenly turn downward, (y/n) shout while covering Mikey's lip, preventing him from letting out any noise. "Commander?" Akuta stop twisting the knob

"I-I currently didn't wear any clothes! So please don't enter!" Akuta back away "okay then, I will wait for you at the cashier with charles" akuta say as she wave at the door, as if the door could let her commander see her wave "okay! I will come-

She suddenly let out a squeak. "Commander , are you really okay?" Akuta try to open the door. "There is- Spider! A spider is on the wall" akuta hum and nod her head "okay then, be careful. Spider bite something" with that, the brownette left.

Sliding down to the floor, (y/n) glare at the male who just lick her palm out of nowhere. That's the reason she let out a squeak. "Spider, huh?" Mikey say as he stare at her, who's covering her red face using her own hair. All of her hair is covering her face, causing her nape to be shown. "Spider do bite people" with that, his teeth graze her nape. Before she could let out any noise like before, he covered her mouth

"If you want people to know what happened, i suggest you remove my hand " yet she doesn't do anything, blush covered her nape, trail to her ears. His tongue trace a circle pattern on her nape. Softly, she try to push him away but her body didn't allow it. Her body want this

Out of the sudden, his tongue leave her nape and it been replaced by his teeth. Tears prickles at the corner of her eyes, trying to endure his bite. Pulling away from her nape, she suddenly slump down.

"Oop, easy there my lady" he catch her effortlessly. Smirking as he saw her current state where she is gasping, lust covered her orbs. As he sit in fron of her, still holding her body from falling onto the floor, he let her take some air. "I guess you still can't handle me-


Mikey stop breathing as he saw (y/n) is leaning to him while biting him. He smirk as he pat her head. Tilting his head a little, giving her more access to bite on his shoulder blade, neck, anywhere that she want to bite. "What a good girl-

His words stop when she suddenly suck the biting spot harshly, while sitting on his lap. Letting out a gasp, he lean to the door and caress her head. As she pull away, a trail of saliva connected her lips with his neck. Lovingly, he caress her face as if she's the most prettiest woman he ever set his eyes on. She put her head onto his shoulder and hug him tightly, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"I'm not letting you go if you're not gonna explain to me, what actually happened between you and yashiro" laughing, he pat her head. "I'm planning to do so, yet you seem to enjoy your meal" widening her eyes, she back away a little from the embrace
"since when do i eat? " he smile and whisper to her ear "you seem to enjoy biting me"

Pulling away from his lap, she just realized what had she done. "I-I'm sorry!" She bow to him as she saw those biting marks decorated his neck shoulder. "It's okay, i kinda like it" he mumbles

"You what?" Mikey smile without answering her. Opening the door, he glances to the outside to check if there are anyone nearby because he want to exit the room without anyone saw him with the police commander. It could destroy her reputation along with his. "During the party, i will explain it to you" before he could walk away, she grip his sleeves

"Promise?" She say as she cast her gaze downward. He smile and give his pinky finger "promise"

With that, they intertwined their pinky fingers

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