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"I will not sell out my friend" that statement had been repeating inside the aged man's head numerously. As he sip his coffee, his mind won't forget a single thing that happen last night when he want to punish his 'daughter'

"Try me" she say as she stand on her ground. Her orbs consumed all sort of light. As a black hole that consume everything. The male froze and tremble on his spot as his eyes widen, upon hearing those words

His mind halt upon hearing the creaking sound of the girl's door. Glance up, he see the girl wearing an attire that's fit to go out

"Where are you going?" The mother ask as she keep cooking the breakfast. The oldest of the sibling won't answer the question as she left the house

Walking toward her own apartment that she rent, her face turn brighter than before. She like to stay at this small apartment where no one can interrupted her. She rather die than to spend a whole week inside those house where all of her family reside


Her eyes widen upon seeing the small boy, sleeping in front of her door, lying on the floor. Glancing around, she doesn't see his friend

Approaching him slowly, she poke his nose. Since he doesn't waking up, she gonna fill her curiosity. And that's is....

His hair

Ruffling his hair, a smile creep up on her face and she won't stop ruffling until the male groaning and opening his eyes. Her eyes have a little bit of light but she still doesn't realize that the male already wide awake

"You like my hair?"

Snatching away her hand as fast as lighting and she swear this is the fastest movement she ever done in her life. Shaking her head, still shutting her mouth

"Why don't you say a single thing?" The male raise from his lying position to sitting position

"Good morning..?" She say as she tilt her head like an owl. That reaction and action make the male letting out laugh

"Anyway, let's go inside. I'm cold since i have sleep here overnight" hearing his statement, guilt wash over her body and she open the door abruptly

"Sorry if i interrupted you" she shake her head and her eyes still the same. Round as a cat that's excited to see something that they like

"Are you hungry?" She finally spoke up and he nod. "What do you like to eat, mikey?"

"Anything that you make" he say with a beam of smile and she could thought of one thing seeing his excited state

I could never let them take away mikey from toman....

After 15 minutes, she done cooking and call out for him, who's playing her nintendo switch. Answer her call, he walk like a child toward her side and clutch to her like a lost child

"What's that?" He ask as he stare at the brown like rice mix with some meat plus carrots.

"Fried rice. Riina teach me this." Upon hearing the name, Mikey ask

"Who?" And all of her movement halt. Her eyes widen but she stay cool as she smile toward him

"My friend. She... Is studying overseas" she say and she bring those rice to the dining table

Eating together really fun.

That statement had been state as the truth since she is eating with someone that she want to protect

"Eating with someone is the best !!" She say as her blue locks bounce a little as she smile, showing her teeth. (Y/n) stare at the food and munch on it

"But for me.. It doesn't seem fun" she say without hesitation. The blue haired girl who know her blunt statement just laugh and say

"Once you found someone important, you'll feel very happy and full even though the food are just a little if you eat with them"

(Y/n) raise her head, looking at mikey who is eating hastily like a boy who starve almost for a week

"Mikey" the boy stop taking the rice and stare at her, telling her it's okay to continue

"Please let me be your brain. I will gather all sort of information and i promise... That i can make toman the most powerful of all that can protect everyone"

And determination consume her orbs

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