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"Mi-Mikey?" She says, out of breathe. Mikey hum upon hearing his name being called by his loved one

"Uhh..." She moved away her gaze as she tremble a little. Mikey noticed her weird state, start questioning himself

'Is she trembling because she is flustered-?'

Mikey slowly pull her closer to his body, embrace her tightly and swirl around a little

"Mikey-?" The girl call him and he hum again, still swirling around in circle and didn't break the embrace even for a second

The girl smile and muffled her face to the crook of his neck "thank you" she mumbles

Mikey nod his head and stop swirling around. He break the embrace and smile as wide as he could

"I love you~" he coo as he peck all her faces. Everywhere that he saw as a place to kiss, he will do so without hesitation

Suddenly, they miss a step. "Ouch!" She whined but luckily, her head was covered with Mikey's hand

"I'm sorry" mikey apologize, knowing that's his fault for missing a step while swirling around

"No, it's okay" she say while laughing. And she finally noticed what position is she having with mikey right now. Mikey is on top of her

"(Y/n)?" He say as he stare at her face. She quietly avert her gaze to the side, didn't have an urge to stare at his face any longer than this

"Look at me (y/n)" he say softly and she do as she told so. "What an obedient girl"

Upon hearing those praise, her eyes widen and his lips crashes onto hers

She's really weak with praises especially coming fron sano manjiro's mouth

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