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"Ahahahaha !!" The boy laugh his ass off after seeing the girl's face, clueless on what's happening

"What are you laughing at..?" She day groggily as she rub her eyes not too hard. Finally regain conscious, her eyes widen.

"I'm sorry !!" She apologize and give him the key inside her grip. The blond's eyes widen by her sudden change behavior

"Sano majirou. Mikey. You?" He say as he tilt his head a little. She gaze at him and her eyes lit up a little

Because someone finally ask her about her own name, right after they introduce their own someone

"(Y/n)... Did you say mikey is your name?" She ask for a confirmation. Mikey nod his head and point his finger toward a guy who is taller than him

"Kenchin. That's his name" and finally, all of the puzzled have been connected. They're the one who save takemichi from kiyomasa and mikey is the one who hina slapped

"Ah ! You guys are the one who help takemichi. Thanks" Mikey stare at her for a few seconds

"Are you his siblings?" He ask and she reply sheepishly

"No.. Weren't siblings. We just close" she say as she hand the key. "Also, I'm so sorry for taking your key" she say with gloomy face as if she already do the most unforgiveable case

"Same here. It's okay, i forgive you. Because I take your key too. Here you go" Mikey do the same. As she turn away, to leave and take a nap, Mikey call out to her

"Give me your number, (y/n)" he say casually and she just glances at her phone and nod her head, changing number with him

But silently she is excited because someone ask for her number not for school nor studying but to have fun with her.

"Then, see ya !!" Mikey shout as he ride his motorcycle, accompany by draken. As they left her alone, she stop waving

Finally arriving in front of her own door, she open the door slowly and step inside. After that, all that she could see is a white ceiling of her own bedroom.

But tonight, she finally sleep peacefully

'The school just start... Please no fight right in the morning' she pray quietly. As her feet touch the school ground, everyone cheer.

"Isn't that's (y/n)?" A tall male say as he glance toward her, smirking. She just nod her head cause she know no one would be on her side, seeing the difference between her and the male

"Whay could i help you?" She say politely but at the corner of her eyes, she swear she saw her siblings hiding behind every students and they doesn't claim her as her sister

"Help me fill my free time !"

His fist almost hit her nose, and he swear her nose already hit his fist, harshly. But unexpectedly, something block the punch.

Her eyes widen, as she already prepare for the impact but, someone block it as if they're invicible

Mikey save her from being hit by the unknown guy

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