#𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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"(Y/n)!" Draken shout from afar as he approach the lonely girl who is gazing at the sky, admiring the stars. "Yes?" Draken smile and pump his fist to the sky "what's happening?" Draken smile widely and reply

"Mikey is coming right now! Get ready!" Right after he say that, everyone stop dancing, drinking and cheering. They stare at the stair where an elegant yet handsome man wear a tuxedo that have the same pattern as her dress, walking down the stair with smile. "Thanks for coming. Let's cheer for our anniversary. Anniversary of toman succession in surviving another year" mitsuya accidentally letting out a chuckle

"Idiot, of course we will alive" the others founding members laugh as their leader start to smile sheepishly. "Then, cheers!" Everyone raise their toast and shout. Some of them already start dancing

Akuta and charles is dancing like a good couple they are, they kinda distract everyone because of their elegant yet smooth move. Mikey sprint down the stairs when everyone didn't look at him anymore and he's currently heading to the girl that he loved the most. Seeing his leader coming to his location, draken pat (y/n)'s back and left her alone with their leader.

"(Y/n), we're matching!" Mikey cheer and give his hand to hi-five. She smile as she
hi-five him, making him smile widely. "Let us dance!" Before mikey could walk away, she pull his sleeves. "(Y/n)?" Mikey awaits her words as her lips quivered a little

"You owe me an explanation" mikey smile and pat her head "yashiro's father just want to test me whether I'm loyal to you or not. If i kiss her at the end of the date, then I'm not loyal." Tightening her grip on his sleeves, mikey smile "i didn't kiss her at all"

With that, he pull her to the centre of the hall where the founding members dance with their partner. Gripping her palm softly, wrapping his arm around her waist, he dance with her and won't cast his gaze away from hers

She do the same, yet her mind is hazy. Her vision is blurry. Her head feel like it's been rip apart. Her body feel like she had been stabbed numerous time

'What's happening-?'

Frowning a little, she tightening her grip on his palm, making him jolt a little. "(Y/n)-?"

"Why don't you cut your hair-?" The wife ask as her husband stare at the newspaper, munching on a candy. "Dunno. Maybe I'm gonna cut it later" he say as he put down the newspaper. "Then, let me cut it for you!"

"Woah, your hair are so fluffy-!" She say as she caress her husband's hair softly and cut it slowly. The husband chuckles and twirl a red ribbon. "What's that ribbon for?" The wife ask. "It's for you"


Why should you leave me. I don't want to live alone. Please come back.

"Hey, miss!" A blonde boy greet the girl who is grieving near the graveyard. Pointing his finger toward a certain grave, the child smile "A black haired male is staring at the meal where you just put, miss. I think he want you to bribe him." Widening her eyes, she raised her gaze "what- before she could finish her words, a grown up woman pick up the child

"I'm sorry if he bothering you. Then, see you" with that, they leave the graveyard. Walking toward the grave where the child just pointed his finger at, she crouch down.

"Why would you die..."


I miss you. I hope i could tell you how much do i love you. I'm willing to sacrifice the world just for you. So, please...

"(Y/n)-!" Jolting, opening her eyes. Seeing mikey in front of her

'Aaahhh... He's alive. He right in front of you, (y/n)..'

Out of sudden, she hug him without thinking about their surrounding, the male stop breathing for a while

"I miss you" with that, tears roll down her cheeks

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