School Festival Dance

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I sighed. Now we have to go back.. Hound Dog will want an explanation.. Izuku and I ran over towards Hound Dog, Ectoplasm, and Gentle Criminal. "Midoriya Izuku.. I am glad that you were the one I got to trade blows with last." I frowned and narrowed my eyes. "All the blame lies on me." Is he really giving up?  "So please, pardon Aiba Manami."  I doubt they will be able to pardon her, after all of that bragging he did about her code that could supposedly break U.A's security.. Izuku had filled me in on their plan while we ran back. "What about your injures?" "Were you fighting?" Asked Ectoplasm. "I realized that he was going to try and break into U.A, so we had a small disagreement." "But.. it's fine now." Ah. He's lying so that the festival can go on. I thought as Aiba sobbed. Hound Dog lifted his head as a phone rang. Ectoplasm answered. "Hound Dog, Ectoplasm C, any irregularities?" I heard the voice of Snipe on speaker. The clones looked at each other, but Hound Dog grabbed the phone. "Some video streamer who was being a nuisance wants to turn himself in." Hound Dog answered. "What the heck?" Snipe said. "I don't get it either!" "Huh?" He threw the phone back to Ectoplasm. "Anyway, this is not an emergency." I sighed in relief. The festival won't be canceled!  "Please continue to be vigilant. "You can tell us more at the police station!" Hound Dog yelled at Gentle. "Midoriya Izuku." "I was once in the hero course as well." Gentle Criminal spoke. "Gentle Criminal is the mere shadow of someone who was once a hero dropout." "I'm in no position to say this, but I hope your feelings reach those you want them to reach." He was escorted away by three Ectoplasm clones, and Hound Dog. "All Might was worried." We turned, and one of Ectoplasms clones gestured. "Class A's performance starts at 10,right?" "Right now, it's 9:16..9:17." He looked at his watch. "Well, from here, you can get to school in fie or six minu-" "Um, sorry, I left the bag of things I came out to buy.." Izuku started sprinting back the way we came. "Where is it? I'll go with you." Ectoplasm said, following us. "Thank you!" I exclaimed.

As we ran to U.A's entrance, I saw Aoyama waiting for us. "Midoriya, Moon, you're late!" He walked towards us, holding Izuku's outfit, and the outfit's jacket I had left behind. "Aoyama, Sorry!" Izuku exclaimed. "Why are you so beat up?" He asked with a face. "I fell!" I sighed at the quick lie. "You clumsy boy, here change your clothes you two!" "Everyone's waiting!" I smiled, and we grabbed the outfits. "Thank you!" We dashed to U.A. "Wait, those scratches!" Ectoplasm ran after us. "Do you plan to perform covered in dirt?" "If you do, then everyone will be worrying about you rather than enjoying the show." I looked at my clothes, which only had a bit of dirt on them compared to Izuku's face. "You'll still make it even if you get those healed first, right?" We changed course, heading to Recovery Girl. She healed Izuku, and we borrowed clothes to rinse off the dirt on our skin. "Thank you!" I bowed to Recovery Girl, then ran after Izuku to the gym.

Performance                                                                                                                                                                      We all stood on stage as the curtains opened, with our hand raised. The lights dimmed, and Bakugo raised his drumsticks into the air. "Let's go, dang it!" He shouted. "Let's make the opening showy!" Added Kirishima. "All of U.A.." "We'll kill 'em with our sound!" He screamed, an explosion erupting into the air, creating a wave of dust. The music started, the sound blaring to life. "What am I to be?" Jirou sang. We swayed to the music, our dance practice coming in handy. The crowd cheered as we jumped into the air, landing flawlessly. Izuku ran to Aoyama, green sparking around him as he threw him up into the air. Lasers flashed around Aoyama, filling the air with an aura of blue.

 Lasers flashed around Aoyama, filling the air with an aura of blue

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