Provisional Hero License; Rescue

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I watched as the room slowly filled up with students who had passed the exam.Todoroki,Tsu,Kirishima,Momo,Kaminari,Bakugo,Jiro,Shoji,Sero,Izuku,Ochaco..I then heard the speaker go off "All 100 students have passed!" And I then saw the rest of class A walk in.I stood up,placing my book into my space pocket.I walked towards my class,and Izuku turned to me with glowing eyes,and a smile on his face."Serenity,you got the most points out of everyone!" He told me.I looked down. I didn't mean to get the most points, I thought that someone would manage to get more than me...This means, I'll be a big target for the rest of the exam..I then heard Yokumiru-san's voice over the speaker. "Turn your attention to the screen." A big screen popped up,showing the test arena we were just in.A huge explosion rocked one of the buildings,and suddenly all of the buildings were blowing up.Everyone looked at horrified."There's only one more round for the exam." "Your goal is simple,rescue all of the civilians who are trapped in the disasters." "Use this time to show us how you carry out rescue scenes,treat this as if it was a real scenario." On the screen,civilians started trying escape,and get out from the rubble. "These people have been trained as professional people in need of rescue." A man held up a bottle of fake blood,and I sighed in relief. "Intoducing the help us company." "We will be judging how well you keep them safe as you complete your mission." "We are scoring you on a point system,if you have more points then the pinchmark when the exam ends,then you pass." "We will start in ten minutes,now go prepare."
I extended my wings,stretching them by hovering in the air.I strapped on my wing armour.I then put daggers and first aid supplies in my hidden pockets that I had made when Hatsume took my costume for upgrades.
10 minutes later
A bell rang and I heard the speakers buzz "Villains have initiated a large scale terrorist attack,since most buildings collapsed,there are many injured." I stiffened. We're starting. The Anter Room collapsed,showing many collapsed buildings. "First responders have been delayed for the time being." "Until the emergancy services arrive,the heroes will need to rescue the civilians." "Your task is to save as many people as you can." I poised myself to fly as soon as the walls opened enough.The walls went down,and I shot out flying above my classmates.Looking down,I saw Bakugo,Kirishima,and Kaminari going off on their own. "We need to stay together!" I yelled down towards them,but they ignored me.I started, did I hear someone crying? Izuku and the others ran towards the little boy who was crying. "Help me,my grandpa has been crushed and he's hurt!" "Oh no,this looks bad,where is he?" Izuku yelled.I winched.You don't ever tell a little kid that something is bad,you reassure them as much as possible.. "This looks bad!?" The little boy broke out of character. "THATS POINTS OFF YOUR SCORE!" He yelled.I swooped down. "Are you okay,can you walk?" I said in a soothing tone.He turned to me.I inwardly winched at the "Blood" pouring down his head. "Here,let me help you." I picked up the little boy.I grabbed some medical tape I had put in my pocket earlier and wrapped it around his head,stopping the 'blood'. "YOU BETTER SHAPE UP AND TAKE NOTES ON HOW SHE'S HANDLING IT NOOBIES!" He yelled when I put him down.I slowed down time and flew as fast as I could to a white flag which I assumed was a first-aid station they had put up.I released my hold on time. I deposited the boy at the station.I flew back,and saw Ochaco and Momo with an old man,trying to figure out how to free him without toppling the whole building over.I saw them making a brace and supporting the structure."When there's a large scale attack,theirs never enough people to rescue everyone,so we need to be as fast as possible!" I yelled. "If the man in there was badly injured,he might bleed out before you reach him!" I told Ochaco.I scanned the scene."Ochaco,can you lift the rubble that's trapping him,and I'll get him out quickly?" She nodded.I watched her crawl in,and touch the piece of rubble.I immediatly slowed time down for everyone but myself.I needed to get this done fast or the overuse effects will kick in..I flew in the small gap,and put my arms around the old man,bracing him.I carefully moved him just out of the way of the rubble,and resumed time.With my arms supporting him,I got him out of the rubble."Where does it hurt?" I asked him."M-My right leg.." He groaned."Momo,can you make a splint to put around his leg?" I asked. "Sure thing!" She said,and handed me it.I carefully wrapped it around his leg,and bound it with bandages,making sure it wouldn't fall off."Sero,can you take him to the first aid center?" I asked,carefully shifting the man's weight onto him."Of course!" He responded,running towards the stations.Suddenly,the ground began shaking."A villain has completed a large scale attack,terrorists are sweeping the area. "I flew up in the air to escape the wobbly ground. I stiffened. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a little girl who was lying on top of a tall building, and was crying loudly.

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