Rescue Training

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"Tokoyami, is this level of brightness okay?" Todoroki asked, as Dark Shadow grew behind Tokoyami. "I am having no difficulty controlling Dark Shadow." Todoroki nodded, and we walked forwards from the escalator. !! I wobbled unsteadily as the building shook. "An earthquake?" Todoroki narrowed his eyes. "The lights!" I exclaimed as the power went out, turning off the emergency lights. "Ah!" Tokoyami gasped as the ceiling cracked above us, and I reacted. Leaping up into the air right before the debris fell, I dove, grabbing Tokoyami before he could be hit. Todoroki created a sheet of ice over our heads, protecting us from the debris.We sat with our backs to the wall, Todoroki using the light of his phone. "It's been about ten minutes since the shaking." "Since there haven't been any aftershocks, we can probably assume this isn't an earthquake, but that part of the underground mall is collapsing." Todoroki said, and I nodded. "Todoroki, Serenity, I'm grateful." "If you hadn't pulled me out of the way, and made a sheet of ice overhead, I would be buried under debris." He thanked us. "It's only natural to save your friends, right?" Todoroki said, and I nodded. "But it'll be hard without any light." Tokoyami sighed. "Yeah, it'll be hard to control Dark Shadow in this darkness." "If Dark Shadow goes out of control.." "Then there will be even more collapsing." I finished. "I could let Dark Shadow out if you continuously made flames, though." Todoroki shook his head. "Let's not do that." "If he makes flames in a place buried by debris, it'll use up all our oxygen and we'll get carbon monoxide poisoning." I cautioned. "I won't use my flames unless it's absolutely necessary." Tokoyami looked towards us. "We cannot resume training like this." "If we wait here, I'm sure the teachers will come get us." I frowned. "The collapse was probably a part of the training." I said. "We're supposed to be learning to rescue people in different environments." I explained. "Escape from a secondary disaster, huh?" Tokoyami questioned. "Either way, I'm worried about our classmates." Todoroki stated. "Yes, many people could have gotten injured in the collapse.." I worried. Todoroki stood. "We need to make sure everyone's okay." Tokoyami got up. "You're right. I completely agree with everything you said." We stood in front of a huge wall of rubble. "If only Uraraka or Yaoyorozu were here." Todoroki said. "If only we had some light.." Tokoyami whispered. "You need more light?" I tilted my head. Tokoyami, Todoroki and I pushed the rubble, trying to get it to move. "Ye-" I flinched as I felt the rubble shift. "Oh no!" Todoroki said as the rubble started to collapse. "Serenity, Todoroki!" Tokoyami reached out, only to be engulfed by Dark Shadow. As I tried to get Todoroki and I from the collapsing rubble, Dark Shadow grabbed Todoroki, flinging him into a wall. I turned in shock. "Stop!" I yelled, summoning a bright orb of moonlight. "Calm down, Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami cried out as Dark Shadow flinched away from the bright light. I held the light up, making it even brighter until Dark Shadow shrank back into it's regular size. I stumbled as the entire building started to shake, and looked around. "Todoroki?" I went to his side. He didn't respond. "Hang in there Todoroki!" Tokoyami rushed over, Dark Shadow cowering behind him from my light. Todoroki blinked, shifting. "Sorry.. I think I blacked out for a second.." I covered my eyes as a bright light blinded me for a second. "The power!" Tokoyami called out. The emergency power had come back on. I sighed in relief, dispelling my orb of light. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "If you lost conscious, you might have a concussion.." I raised my hand, healing his head. "I'm sorry, about Dark Shadow." Tokoyami apologized. I looked at him. "You need to find a better way to control him, that could have seriously injured us, or even brought the entire building down on our heads." I commented. "I understand that he's very hard to control in the darkness, but if you aren't careful, one day Dark Shadow might go into a rage and kill someone." I told him seriously. Tokoyami looked at the ground. "I.. want to believe Dark Shadow wouldn't do that.. but you're right, I need to get better at not letting him overwhelm and take over." We walked through the abandoned mall. "Why did the emergency lights come on?" Tokoyami questioned while we walked. "Either someone fixed the emergency power, or someone sent Denki to it." Todoroki responded. "Kaminari, huh?" Tokoyami muttered. "I'm sure someone was telling Kaminari what to do." Todoroki added. "Probably Bakugo, since Kaminari went off with him and Kirishima." I said. I jolted at the loud sound. "What was that?" Tokoyami flinched. "Collapsing? sounds more like someone's destroying something." I said. "Perhaps Bakugo's explosions.. we don't know when something else will collapse." "What is he thinking?" Todoroki sighed. "The sound of the blast came from below." Tokoyami gestured. "So floor b6..the lowest floor." I stated. "Of course it'd be the most unstable place." Todoroki complained. "Wait.." Todoroki shifted. "Don't tell me he's continuing the rescue training under these conditions.." Tokoyami gasped. "Look!" I turned quickly, only to see water gushing out of cracks in the building. "Oh no!" I uttered. "But Bakugo, Kaminari, and Kirishima are on the lowest level.. with all of this water, they'll be in the most danger of drowning!" I worried. "Tokoyami, break the floor with Dark Shadow." Todoroki instructed. "But, I won't be able to control him in this darkness--" I held up my hand, recasting the ball of light. "I'll hold him back with my moonlight." I nodded to him. "Very well." Tokoyami said. "Dark Shadow!" The quirk rose up out of Tokoyami, growling as it rammed into the floor. Todoroki jumped, creating a huge spiked tower of ice under our feet. 

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